Info for you

Info for you

632: Dr. Amy Shah on Food Creates Mood, Dopamine Pathways, and Improving Your Gut

I’m here today with my good friend Dr. Amy Shah. Not only is she a fellow mom, but she’s a double board-certified physician and nutrition expert with training from Cornell, Columbia, and Harvard. Her focus is helping her patients live their best lives with her holistic approach to health. Today’s talk focuses around the topic […]

Parmesan Chicken Nuggets Recipe (Kid Favorite!)

I’m not a fan of most chicken nuggets and “kid foods” that cater to picky eaters. Or ones that are mostly processed and devoid of vitamins. At the same time, kid-size food can be fun every once in a while. Especially if the kids help prepare it! Chicken parmesan is a classic recipe and an […]

Natural Homemade Baby Wipes

I’ve done my fair share of cloth diaper changes over the years. Like any concerned mom I opted for baby wipes I thought were safe and healthy for little ones. It turns out many baby wipes aren’t what they seem. So instead I came up with these DIY baby wipes with natural ingredients (plus they’re […]

634: The One About Sauna Use and Benefits – Short Episode

Today I’m talking about getting all hot and sweaty – in a good way. Saunas have been used across many cultures and since ancient times to improve health. They’re something that I personally use a lot and I’ve seen benefits from. In this episode we’ll take a closer look at the science behind saunas, how […]

Scoliosis: How to Address it Naturally

 Before starting my natural health journey, I never really understood how much our choices affected us. These diet and lifestyle choices have far-reaching effects. Over the years I’ve seen firsthand how nutrition, toxins, and trauma impact health. Things I once attributed to genetics, I now realize have many causes. Believe it or not, nutritional and […]