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While President Joe Biden was touting his ‘blue-collar blueprint’ to improve the lives of Americans during his State of the Union speech, a new poll shows a record number of Americans believe they’re worse off financially under this administration.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll shows four in ten Americans feel their financial situations have deteriorated since Biden took office a little more than two years ago.

It is the worst number in the 37-year history of the poll, whose inception began when Ronald Reagan was still President. Reagan famously asked the question which is the basis for the poll: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”

“With inflation moderating but still high, 41% say they’re not as well off financially as they were when Biden took office,” a statement by the polling group reads.

Just 16% believe they are better off under this President.

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Americans Are Suffering Financially Under Biden

If you were expecting an ‘I feel your pain’ moment from President Biden during his State of the Union speech, an attempt to reach out to those who feel they’re worse off financially, you’d have been waiting for quite some time.

Instead, Biden touted how he’s lowered inflation, lowered gas prices, and has a “blue-collar blueprint” for the economy.

“We’re building an economy where no one is left behind,” he said. “Jobs are coming back, pride is coming back, because of the choices we made in the last two years. This is a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America and make a real difference in your lives.”

Get it, simps? The economy is roaring and you’re just not smart enough to appreciate the work this President is putting into it.

While just 16% of Americans say they are better off financially under Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre assures us “people will start feeling what the president’s economic policy is truly doing” sometime down the road.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 8, 2023

Now, by contrast, if you were expecting lies about the economy and your finances, you didn’t have to wait very long.

Biden blamed the pandemic – at least 2 years in the rearview mirror in regards to economic recovery – and ‘Putin’s war’ for troubles at home, but claimed he’d mitigated those hardships.

We have more to do, but here at home, inflation is coming down.

Here at home, gas prices are down $1.50 a gallon since their peak.

Food inflation is coming down.

Inflation has fallen every month for the last six months while take home pay has gone up.

When was the peak on gas prices, Joe? It was during your presidency, correct? That’s like a business owner putting a 200% markup on one of their products, then slashing it by 50% and touting how they’re saving the consumer tons of cash.

And another dose of reality – Inflation has been surging at or above 5% for 20 months and Americans have lost $9,300 on average paying for the increased cost of living since Biden took office.

Good ol’ blue-collar, Scranton Joe.

Biden is now touting “food inflation coming down” as an accomplishment.

Groceries are up 11.8% since last year. The price of eggs last year alone rose 60%.

That’s not reassuring to American families!

— Rep. Dan Bishop (@RepDanBishop) February 8, 2023

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Poll: Trump Leading Biden

The ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals a slew of terrible news for President Biden. 

His job approval rating has been underwater since September 2021. Just 37% of Americans approve of his handling of the economy. Just 38% approve of how he has navigated the war in Ukraine. And a mere 28% approve of his handling of the border crisis.

But what might be a far more devastating blow to the President: In a hypothetical 2024 rematch, Trump leads him in the poll by 4%.

“Perhaps most frightening for Democrats in a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 election, Trump has a slight edge. 48 to 44 within the margin of error over Biden.”

ABC’s Jon Karl sounds befuddled and nervous as he reads poll results showing Trump beating Biden.

— Media Research Center (@theMRC) February 6, 2023

That is some serious political fallout.

The man who allegedly incited an insurrection, is viewed by moderate Republicans as unelectable, and has endured an onslaught of negative media coverage since 2016, is leading the guy who thinks he’s made Americans better off financially.

For comparison sake, the same poll conducted at the same point during Trump’s presidency showed just 13% – 28 points fewer – believed they were worse off financially, while 25% – 9 points higher – believed they were better off.

A few polls in succession as reported by The Political Insider show Trump ahead of Biden in a 2024 rematch.

Still, the latest from ABC News/Washington Post indicates Americans aren’t exactly clamoring for that rematch. Nearly 60% don’t want to see Biden run in 2024, and to a lesser degree, 50% would rather not see Trump run.

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The post A Record Number of Americans Say They’re Worse Off Financially Under Biden – Most in Nearly 4 Decades appeared first on The Political Insider.

 The Political Insider 


While President Joe Biden was touting his ‘blue-collar blueprint’ to improve the lives of Americans during his State of the Union speech, a new poll shows a record number of Americans believe they’re worse off financially under this administration. The ABC News/Washington Post poll shows four in ten Americans feel their financial situations have deteriorated
The post A Record Number of Americans Say They’re Worse Off Financially Under Biden – Most in Nearly 4 Decades appeared first on The Political Insider.