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Sarah Huckabee Sanders thoroughly eviscerated President Biden during her State of the Union rebuttal speech, pointing out that the contrasts in parties are no longer between Democrat and Republican, but “between normal and crazy.”

The Arkansas Governor’s speech on behalf of the Republicans evoked images of former President Trump as she unleashed almost immediately following the words, “Good evening. I’m Sarah Huckabee Sanders.”

In her opening, Sanders pointed out that as a mother of young children, you learn quickly not to believe everything you hear: “So forgive me for not believing much of anything I heard tonight from President Biden.”

She noted that contrary to what Democrats hope for, “Government exists not to rule the people, but to serve the people.”

Sanders also highlighted the age difference between herself and the President.

“At 40, I’m the youngest governor in the country. At 80, he’s the oldest president in American history,” she said before delivering this zinger.

“I’m the first woman to lead my state. He’s the first man to surrender his presidency to a woke mob that can’t even tell you what a woman is.”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: “I’m the first woman to lead my state and [Biden] is the first man to surrender his presidency to a woke mob that can’t even tell you what a woman is.”

— (@townhallcom) February 8, 2023

RELATED: Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Set to Ban Drag Shows for Children in Arkansas

Sarah Sanders on Fire With State of the Union Response

Sarah Sanders continued to torch the Democrat party and their platforms during her State of the Union rebuttal.

“In the radical left’s America, Washington taxes you and lights your hard-earned money on fire, but you get crushed with high gas prices, empty grocery shelves, and our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race, but not to love one another or our great country,” she said.

“Whether Joe Biden believes this madness or is simply too weak to resist it, his administration has been completely hijacked by the radical left,” added Sanders.

She then laid out the choice Americans have before them. A choice that is vastly different than years gone by when Barack Obama discussed red states and blue states.

“The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left,” she said. “The choice is between normal or crazy. ”

.@SarahHuckabee: “The dividing line in America is no longer between Right or Left, the choice is between normal or crazy.”

“It’s time for a new generation of Republican leadership.”

— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) February 8, 2023

RELATED: Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Bans the Word ‘LatinX’ From Government Documents

Choice is Between Normal and Crazy

Sarah Sanders’ speech is incredibly spot-on. It’s a choice between abortion up until birth or celebrating life. It’s a choice between crime-riddled streets and law and order. It’s a choice between one world order or America first.

And it’s a choice between normalcy and the crazies peppering the left side of the crowd at Biden’s State of the Union address.

The term ‘crazy’ became a consistent theme throughout the Arkansas Republican’s speech.

Sanders pointed out how, in her state, she’s been combatting the crazy.

“Upon taking office just a few weeks ago I signed Executive Orders to ban CRT, racism, and indoctrination in our schools, eliminate the use of the derogatory term ‘Latinx’ in our government, repealed COVID orders and said never again to authoritarian mandates and shutdowns,” she boasted.

“Americans want common sense from their leaders, but in Washington, the Biden administration is doubling down on crazy.”

In Washington, the Biden Administration is doubling down on crazy.” – Gov. @SarahHuckabee Sanders

Watch our LIVE #SOTU coverage on Rumble:

— Real America’s Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) February 8, 2023

Sanders blasted Biden for injecting his woke fantasies into the federal government.

“Every day, we are told that we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols, all while big government colludes with Big Tech to strip away the most American thing there is — your Freedom of speech,” she explained.

“That’s not normal. It’s crazy, and it’s wrong.”

“We are under attack in a left-wing Culture War”@SarahHuckabee: “We are told we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags and worship their false idols, all while Big Government colludes with Big Tech, that’s not normal — it’s crazy & it’s wrong”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 8, 2023

Honestly, “That’s not normal,” ought to be the Republican presidential candidate’s slogan heading into 2024.

“America is great because we are free. But today, our freedom is under attack, and the America we love is in danger,” Sanders concluded. “President Biden and the Democrats have failed you.”

“It’s time for a change.”

We’re long past due for a change.

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The post Sarah Huckabee Sanders Just Obliterates Biden in SOTU Rebuttal: Not About Democrat or Republican, It’s a “Choice Between Normal and Crazy” appeared first on The Political Insider.

 The Political Insider 


Sarah Huckabee Sanders thoroughly eviscerated President Biden during her State of the Union rebuttal speech, pointing out that the contrasts in parties are no longer between Democrat and Republican, but “between normal and crazy.” The Arkansas Governor’s speech on behalf of the Republicans evoked images of former President Trump as she unleashed almost immediately following
The post Sarah Huckabee Sanders Just Obliterates Biden in SOTU Rebuttal: Not About Democrat or Republican, It’s a “Choice Between Normal and Crazy” appeared first on The Political Insider.