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The list of potential Republican presidential candidates for 2024 is growing faster than President Volodymyr Zelensky’s military weaponry wish list. So will Governor Ron DeSantis challenge former President Donald Trump, and will Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence throw their hats into the ring?

We will have to wait and see; however, in just a few weeks, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is throwing an event that promises to reveal a big announcement. Spoiler alert, she’s running for President.

In honor of her upcoming kick-off event, I think taking a quick trip through memory lane is essential. So hold on tight; we are stepping into the political whoopsie way back machine to 2020 when race-baiting and pretending to be a hate crime victim was all the rage.

She was on the Bubba Wallace fake noose bandwagon. Hard pass.

— James Thompson (@James007x) February 2, 2023

Who Are You Calling A Coward?

Ah, 2020, when our cities were on fire, cops were the bad guys, and white people were crawling all over each other to prove they were more in tune with their whiteness than the next guy. Buried within all that noise was a little dust-up on the tracks of Talladega, a story so utterly ridiculous anyone with half a brain should’ve known there was more to the issue than what met the eye.

The news broke that a “noose” was found in the garage of the only black NASCAR race car driver, Bubba Wallace, and the shock and disgust were fierce.

NASCAR President and woke warrior Steve Phelps addressed the incident with anger and sadness, releasing this statement:

“There’s no place for racism in NASCAR. We will be doing everything within our power that whoever committed this act comes to justice…and we rid this type of behavior from our sport.”

People from across the country, not even associated with the sport, feverishly tweeted out their support, including our very own Nikki Haley, who said:

“We should all stand with @BubbaWallace today against the cowards who secretly put the noose in his garage stall. Watch your back cowards. Bubba has a bigger army than you do. #HateWontWin #WeStandWithBubba”

We should all stand with @BubbaWallace today against the cowards who secretly put the noose in his garage stall. Watch your back cowards. Bubba has a bigger army than you do. #HateWontWin #WeStandWithBubba

— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) June 22, 2020

Oh my, Nikki, that is a spicy tweet, and we all know how much I love my spice. So who exactly was the Bubba Brigade going to battle with over this racist rope?

The answer is nobody because it wasn’t a noose, and it wasn’t put there to harass Bubba Wallace.

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Shut The Garage Door!

After the alleged noose was discovered, Mr. Phelps reported the incident, and 15 FBI agents raced to the track to root out the racing racists who committed the dastardly deed. What the FBI found will not shock you if you have common sense.

The FBI discovered that the ‘noose’ had been in that garage stall since the year prior before Bubba Wallace was assigned and moved into the stall.

As US Attorney Jay Town and FBI Special Agent Johnnie Sharp Jr. said in a statement:

“Nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned the stall.”

So, surprise, the ‘cowards’ who ‘secretly hid a noose’ in the garage stall did it long before Bubba was in the stall and put it there to close the door. This led to the FBI’s conclusion, which I’m pretty sure we all could’ve ascertained, that Bubba Wallace was not, in fact, a victim of a hate crime, no matter how badly he and the media wanted him to be.

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NASCAR was forced to release the following awkward statement:

“We appreciate the FBI’s quick and thorough investigation and are thankful to learn that this was not an intentional, racist act against Bubba.”

Were you thankful? Talk about a virtue signal wipeout!

She literally thought that the the garage door pull in Bubba Wallace’s bay was a freakin’ noose so don’t just assume she’s the sharpest tool in the shed. You’re right about her ambition though, she did jump headlong into the BLM “offense“ of the day, didn’t she?

— Lela2 (@Lela2New) February 2, 2023

Pay Attention To Me!

The FBI described the rope as:

“a garage door pull rope fashioned like a noose”

Bubba wasn’t too keen to accept that answer at first.

He responded indignantly:

“What was hanging in my garage is not a garage pull.”

He would know, right? It was his garage; the ‘noose’ was meant for him and caused him distress, correct?

The reality is Bubba never saw the rope; he was notified of its existence by a tearful Mr. Phelps. It seems odd that you wouldn’t go to see the alleged racist threat in your garage that will jettison you into the national spotlight.

However, it isn’t if you are aching for attention and capitalizing on the murder of George Floyd to make you a household name. Bubba was the catalyst for NASCAR removing Confederate flags from their races.

CBS’s Gayle King: “Professional race car driver Bubba Wallace is a champion on the track and leader in the fight for racial justice. Go Bubba Wallace.”

Gayle then tees up a clip from his Netflix doc of race baiter Jemele Hill lamenting Bubba’s unfairly scrutinized. #NASCAR

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) March 8, 2022

This was after he acknowledged that the flags had never bothered him before, but after “educating” himself, he changed his mind. I’m sorry, Bubba, were you unaware of the various arguments for and against the Confederate flag?

He also changed the paint scheme of his car to express a Black Lives Matter message. Thank goodness we had Bubba to elevate the Marxist message of BLM to NASCAR.

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No Regrets

When it was revealed that the ‘noose’ was a harmless door pull, President Trump suggested Bubba apologize for misleading NASCAR and its fans. Mr. Wallace wasn’t the one to report the incident to the FBI, so perhaps Mr. Phelps is the one who would’ve owed an apology.

However, Bubba could’ve come out more strongly to correct the record. As could’ve Nikki, but that isn’t as sexy as hitching your wagon to the latest virtue craze.

Bubba responded to President Trump’s suggestion in an interesting way:

“…always deal with the hate being thrown at you with love!”

Even hate that is imagined, apparently.

Bubba went on to tell Jimmy Kimmel that:

“When I first read Trump’s tweet, I was like, man, there’s so much more things that are going on in the world that I feel like he should be worried about.”

Funny, that wasn’t the tune he sang earlier when he thought the rope he didn’t even see was a racist visual threat against him and his family.

In a new Netflix series coming out titled ‘RACE: Bubba Wallace’ he describes the phone call he made to his estranged father after the incident:

“They found a noose.”

“You got a gun?”


“You need to get one.”

When Bubba Wallace wore a Black Lives Matter shirt on the NASCAR track, the impact was felt far & wide. But the significance of that watershed moment also gave a Black NASCAR employee the confidence to stand in solidarity publicly.

RACE: @BubbaWallace is now on Netflix

— Netflix (@netflix) February 22, 2022

What a fascinating narrative on the importance of the Second Amendment, allowing citizens the freedom to protect themselves. But alas, that will have to wait for another article and another day.

Will anyone ask Nikki if she regrets her shotgun hot-take tweet? Does she think that the NASCAR employees that fasten door pulls are cowards?

Does she think the best way to combat racism is to call for the mobilization of a citizen army against an imagined foe? I would bet she doesn’t.

Let’s hope she exercises a bit better common sense as a presidential candidate than she did as a Twitter Tweet warrior.

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The post FLASHBACK: Presidential Hopeful Nikki Haley Promoted the Bubba Wallace ‘Noose’ Hoax appeared first on The Political Insider.

 The Political Insider 


The list of potential Republican presidential candidates for 2024 is growing faster than President Volodymyr Zelensky’s military weaponry wish list. So will Governor Ron DeSantis challenge former President Donald Trump, and will Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence throw their hats into the ring? We will have to wait and see; however, in just a few
The post FLASHBACK: Presidential Hopeful Nikki Haley Promoted the Bubba Wallace ‘Noose’ Hoax appeared first on The Political Insider.