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Former President Donald Trump has called upon all willing state governors to deploy their National Guards to the state of Texas to prevent the entry of “illegals” and ship them back across the border.

This battle cry against what Texas Governor Greg Abbott called “lawlessness” actions by the federal government comes as a response to the ongoing feud between Texas and the federal government over border security.

“Joe Biden has surrendered our Border, and is aiding and abetting a massive Invasion of millions of Illegal Migrants into the United States,” Trump declared. “Instead of fighting to protect our Country from this onslaught, Biden is, unbelievably, fighting to tie the hands of Governor Abbott and the State of Texas, so that the Invasion continues unchecked.”

On Wednesday, Abbott issued a fiery statement regarding President Joe Biden’s actions at the southern border, where he continues to use every avenue available to him to keep the border in Texas wide open. Earlier this week, in a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court gave him ammo in the fight, granting an emergency request filed allowing federal agents to cut through or remove razor wire used to defend the border.

Abbott accused Biden of violating his constitutional duty to enforce federal immigration laws and protect the states, asserting that Texas has the right to defend itself against the “invasion” of illegal immigrants crossing the border.

Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee for President in 2024 and likely the only person standing between Biden and the invasion he is aiding and abetting, concurs with Abbott.

Screenshot: Donald Trump Truth Social

RELATED: Governor Greg Abbott Vows To Use ‘Right Of Self-Defense’ To Protect Texas From ‘Lawless’ Biden

Trump Calls On All Willing States To Send National Guard To Texas

Some Democrats, such as Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX), have argued that President Biden should forcibly seize control of the Texas National Guard for defying the Supreme Court ruling and continuing to install razor wire.

While that sounds like an action that is on the verge of a civil standoff, Trump ups the ante by calling for red states to mobilize in defense of Texas.

“In the face of this National Security, Public Safety, and Public Health Catastrophe, Texas has rightly invoked the Invasion Clause of the Constitution, and must be given full support to repel the Invasion,” Trump stated.

“We encourage all willing States to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border,” he added. “All Americans should support the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to protect the Safety, Security, and Sovereignty of Texas, and of the American people.”

RELATED: Texas National Guard, Governor Abbott Vow They Will ‘Hold The Line’ Against Feds, Begin Installing More Razor Wire

Trump Says He Will Stand With Texas In Defiance Of The Invasion

The former President also made it clear that on day one in office, he would stand with Texas in their efforts to protect the safety, security, and sovereignty of the state.

“Instead of fighting Texas, I will work hand in hand with Governor Abbott and other Border States to Stop the Invasion, Seal the Border, and Rapidly Begin the Largest Domestic Deportation Operation in History,” he imagined.

Of those illegal immigrants who managed to make it into the country under President Biden, he warned that they “should not get comfortable because they will be going home.”

There are a lot of people who will be getting ‘uncomfortable’ when Trump heads back to the White House.

Over the course of his campaign, Trump vowed to invoke the Alien Enemies Act if elected, a wartime law that would allow the President to authorize the arrest and deportation of illegal immigrants over the age of 14.

Trump declared that he would use the Act to remove “all known or suspected gang members” from the country and end “the scourge of illegal alien gang violence once and for all.”

Hold the line, Texas – help is on the way.

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