Info for you

Info for you

If you are an avid reader of my columns, you know that I have a soft spot for conspiracy theorists. Besides showing a level of personal dedication to their cause that is rare in society these days, they’ve honestly had quite the banner year.

Whether you were one of the ‘right-wing loons’ touting the dangers of the ‘deep state’ or a tin foil hat-wearing UFO chaser – you had some incredible wins in the last few years. So you rightly deserve to tell the rest of us skeptics, collectively, “I told you so!”

The aftermath of the Chinese spy balloon, followed by three literal UFOs being shot down by our fighter jets over North American territory, has many of us, including me, looking over at my spouse on the couch, saying, “Is this really happening?” Baby, it is, and thanks to the typical communications chaos out of the Biden administration, the theories are running wild on social media.

Harvard Scientist Robert Duncan Explains ‘Project Blue Beam’

“You can see it by the naked eye and it would leave a radar trace”@KONCRETE

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) February 14, 2023

RELATED: Mystery Solved? Astronomers Say Wall of Green Lasers Beaming Over Hawaii Could be From a Chinese Satellite

Project Blue Beam

I have a higher-than-average knowledge base of conspiracy theories. Still, this latest trend was a new one for me. The takedown of three UFOs has many speculating that what we are witnessing is the beginning of a theory born in the ’90s; Project Blue Beam.

Circulated initially by Canadian journalist Serge Monast the alleged secret project claims that the Pentagon, NASA, and the United Nations are working in cahoots to simulate a fake alien invasion in the future that turns into a staged ‘second coming’ of Christ using… wait for it… light shows and holograms. Honestly, it would be hard to top some of the laser light shows I saw as a kid on the 4th of July.

I mean, how can you beat light beams set to Lee Greenwood’s hit song ‘God Bless the USA’? So to what end is this Project Blue Beam aiming?

Naturally, like any excellent conspiracy theory, it has a New World Order flavor, with the ultimate goal of eliminating organized religion, national pride and identity, and the concept of family. All to bring us to our knees in complacent subservience to our new Pentagon, NASA, and the U.N. overlords.

Monast even broke down this insidious plan into its four planned steps:

Breakdown of all archeological knowledge via earthquakes
Huge light show with holograms simulating the second coming of Christ
Telepathic thought control by what we are all meant to believe is the AntiChrist
A simulated alien invasion beginning around 2024

Oh my, that’s some heavy stuff. What really grabs you is that Monast mysteriously died just 24 hours after being arrested for being involved in “networks of prohibited information.” 

Talk about a killer theory.

Here is what I got from spending too much time on Twitter lately…

– The UFOs were a distraction from Ohio
– Ohio is a distraction from the Nord Stream Pipeline
– All of it was created by Project Blue Beam
– A new one world order is coming if we don’t stop it

— Louis KC (@NotlouisCk) February 13, 2023

Silly UFO Theorists

You can’t blame people for developing their own theories on what these UFOs represent. It’s been over a week since we shot down the Chinese spy balloon and five days since we shot down the first UFO over Alaska.

I was glued to my television after the first popped UFO, anxiously awaiting my President’s address to the Nation or a press conference at a minimum. I obsessively refreshed my Twitter feed hoping for at least a reassuring tweet from the Commander-in-Chief.

Instead, it’s been radio silence; you may think he’s been abducted by aliens, given his absence on this issue. But we did get some word from his exceptional communications team.

After NORAD Commander General Glen VanHerck rocked the world, stating that he wasn’t willing to “rule out anything” concerning alien connection to the UFOs, the White House frantically attempted to assuage those fears. First, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters, “There is no – again, no – indications of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent takedowns.”

She joked, “I loved E.T. the movie, but I’m just gonna leave it there.”

Leave it where exactly?

With no answers, just a lame movie nod in an attempt to appear relatable while simultaneously degrading American citizens who are left to speculate on these UFO origins in the dark? What a bang-up communications strategy.

.@PressSec Karen Jean Pierre said…

“The President is the best communicator that we have in the White House.”

That lady, Karen Jean Pierre, is the most intellectually dishonest communicator that we have in the White House!

— Vernon Jones (@VernonForGA) February 15, 2023

RELATED: I Went to Ancient Aliens, And It Showed Me What Unites Humanity When Everything Else Divides Us

We Know Nothing and Never Will

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby doubled down on Ms. Jean-Pierre’s statement telling reporters, “I don’t think the American people need to worry about aliens with respect to these craft.”

Well, I feel better already.

Meanwhile, General VanHerck brilliantly told reporters, “We’re calling them objects, not balloons, for a reason.” That reason is presumably that they don’t know what these things are. Air Force Chief of Staff General CQ Brown backed up his fellow General, saying “we don’t fully appreciate and understand what we’re seeing.”

Will we ever know what these things are really? Doubtful, General VanHerck added regarding the origin of these crafts, “I’ll let the intel community and the counter-intelligence community figure that out.” So get ready, my tinfoil hat-wearing friends, for the all too predictable explanation that these were merely weather balloons. 

Although, it’ll still be hard to explain that away given that each missile we have fired at these things costs $400,000. That’s a hefty price tag for a happy trigger finger to take down something as innocuous as a weather balloon. However, I wouldn’t put it past the U.S. government to waste loads of money on a nonthreat which is easier than focusing on real threats.


1) What’s going on right now is espionage, not aliens;
2) It’s a big deal, in view of what SIGINT arrays can do;
3) The U.S. government knows more than it’s saying;
4) The U.S. government doesn’t yet know everything;
5) Some – but not all – UAP are balloons and drones.

— Nick Pope (@nickpopemod) February 12, 2023

RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Nick Pope Explains Why You Should Pay Attention to the Government’s Recent Interest in UFOs

Fewer Holograms, More Money

Is this the beginning of Project Blue Beam? No, I don’t think the Pentagon, NASA, and the U.N. are organized or competent enough to orchestrate such an endeavor. 

However, I’ll join in on the speculation fun in light of the continued radio silence from the White House. Could the last three UFOs originate from us in an attempt to capitalize on the prior F-22 takedown of the Chinese spy balloon?

I must say, as an Air Force veteran watching that F-22 do good work for the Nation was pretty amazing. Is it that far-fetched that the military-industrial complex and the Pentagon orchestrated three more UFO engagements to highlight the need to pump more funds into the Department of Defense?

It seems nutso until you poke around a bit. For example, Airbus manufactures airborne target drone systems as their website explains to “offer a full range of target systems providing realistic and cost-effective training for ground-based and naval Air Defense and Air-to-Air Combat, encompassing towed aerial targets, direct aerial targets and surface targets.”

Or perhaps this is all meant to distract us from the real news, including mounting Hunter Biden drama, the investigation into the weaponization of the FBI, discussions around building western weapons factories in Ukraine, allegations the US sabotaged Nord Stream 2, and of course, the release of the Epstein client list.

Oh, oh, perhaps parts of the Epstein list were in these drones.

It wouldn’t be the first time Epstein-related things are mysteriously killed off. If I mysteriously disappear or die suddenly, I just had my annual check-up and am in perfect health. But regardless, it’s time for us skeptics to get fitted for our tinfoil hats and keep our eyes on the skies because it’s getting pretty weird in our world lately.

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 The Political Insider 


If you are an avid reader of my columns, you know that I have a soft spot for conspiracy theorists. Besides showing a level of personal dedication to their cause that is rare in society these days, they’ve honestly had quite the banner year. Whether you were one of the ‘right-wing loons’ touting the dangers
The post Conspiracy Theories Abound in Light of UFO Shoot Downs & White House Silence appeared first on The Political Insider.