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Tucker Carlson released portions of the January 6th surveillance footage at the Capitol which provided dramatic revelations previously concealed by the select committee investigating the riot.

The Political Insider reported last week that Carlson was poised to release portions of the over 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from the riot very soon.

“They are lying,” he said. “And we know that because we’ve been looking at the tape.”

On Monday, the Fox News host released select segments of the video which seems to prove that yes, they were lying, as he and many other conservatives had predicted on a variety of matters.

Here are some of the biggest takeaways from Carlson’s bombshell report.

Lied About Brian Sicknick’s Death

Democrats and the media have tried desperately to make Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick the face of the ‘violent insurrection,’ repeatedly portraying his death as a result of a blood-thirsty mob.

We knew this was fake news from the onset, as Sicknick’s death was ruled by a Washington medical examiner to be from “natural” causes and not “hastened by an injury.”

What we didn’t know was just how deep the false narrative ran.

Surveillance footage released Monday by Tucker Carlson shows that previous claims that Sicknick’s death was hastened by a blow to the head with a fire extinguisher were false.

In fact, the videos show Sicknick walking about the premises normally while guiding Trump supporters out of the building as he wore a helmet. It shows him walking through the building, healthy, alert, and unharmed, “after he was supposedly murdered by the mob outside.”

Which is quite a feat.

“This tape overturns the single most powerful and politically useful lie that Democrats told us about January 6th,” Carlson told his audience.

Lied About the ‘Violent’ Mob – Particularly the ‘QAnon Shaman’

Jacob Chansley, known as the “QAnon Shaman” was sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role in the January 6th riot.

But Tucker Carlson’s video release shows Chansley, who had become the face of the so-called insurrection, doing little more than walking around the Capitol with a police escort in tow throughout his visit.

The officers never attempt to arrest the man – who is now serving years behind bars because his actions were allegedly so reprehensible that he deserves a prison sentence longer than many felons in Democrat-run states.

“The footage does not show an insurrection or a riot in progress,” Carlson tells viewers. “Instead, it shows police escorting protesters through the building, including the now infamous ‘QAnon Shaman.’”

The Fox News host showed video clips that reveal Capitol police officers were so ‘distraught’ over Chansley’s actions that they were trying to open locked doors for him to continue his tour.

At one point, nine such officers can be seen close to the ‘Shaman’, and not one attempted to stop him from walking about the premises.

Tucker Carlson’s January 6th Bombshell Shows the Barry Loudermilk ‘Reconnaissance Tour’ Was a Flat-Out Lie

Remember when the January 6th House select committee accused a GOP lawmaker of conducting a ‘reconnaissance tour’ prior to the riot at the Capitol?

Yea, well that didn’t happen either.

The Political Insider wrote last year that Representative Barry Loudermilk, a Georgia Republican, had been accused of leading one of the tours.

Despite the fact that the Capitol police flatly contradicted their claims, the highly partisan committee continued to push the debunked conspiracy theory simply to plant the seeds of doubt.

Carlson showed footage of Loudermilk giving a tour in a congressional building down the street – not the Capitol – to constituents, none of whom were linked to the so-called “insurrection.” 

Senator Josh Hawley Running From the Mob

The January 6th select committee released footage showing Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) running out of the complex, allegedly fleeing from the mob that he supposedly helped instigate.

The video release was meant to embarrass Hawley. In fact, airing it during one of their meetings led to laughter and derision from those in attendance.

The problem being, Carlson showed that the video released by the committee only showed Hawley who was actually one of the last people to leave the room. In fact, numerous lawmakers in the full clip are shown scampering across the hall as they are being ushered away by Capitol police.

“The clip was propaganda, not evidence,” Carlson said.

Ray Epps, to Nobody’s Surprise, Lied to the Committee

Video footage shows Ray Epps, whom the committee reluctantly interviewed, then reluctantly released transcripts of the interview, lied during his testimony before the panel.

The tapes show Epps was on the grounds of the Capitol for at least 30 minutes after the time he told House Select Committee that he was already heading back to his hotel.

Epps was a leader of the “Oath Keepers” group who was seen on video the day before the January 6 riot telling a crowd to go into the Capitol.

He was at the center of unproven accusations that the FBI had informants or plants in the crowd at the Capitol which helped incite pro-Trump protesters to riot and breach the building.

“Tomorrow, we need to get into the Capitol! Into the Capitol!” he is seen telling rallygoers in one video from the scene, while some around him respond, “No,” and begin chanting, “Fed! Fed! Fed!”

Oddly enough, the committee and prosecutors had little interest in charging Epps. He was one of three people who have been removed from the FBI’s Capitol Violence most wanted list without an explanation from authorities.

Now compare that to the nearly four-year prison sentence for the ‘Qanon Shaman’ for walking around the building peacefully.

“Committee members lied about what they saw and then hid the evidence from the public, as well as from January 6, criminal defendants and their lawyers,” Carlson explained. “That is unforgivable.”

It’s not only unforgivable, but it’s also criminal. It’s the actual ‘insurrection.’

The actual ‘Big Lie.’

House Republicans need to haul every member of that committee before Congress to testify about why they lied to the American people. And they need to face the same scrutiny and punishment many of the political prisoners from the J6 riot have faced, rotting in a D.C. jail cell.

The farce is over. The hoax was exposed. Action must now be taken, and the GOP must never rest until the truth is fully revealed and some of those who were charged in the ‘insurrection’ are exonerated.

Not all of them. There were certainly a handful of thugs in the crowd that day. But Democrats and the media used those thugs as a springboard to prosecute and harass many innocent people.

And for that, they are scum and must be held accountable.

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The post The Five Biggest Lies Exposed by Tucker Carlson’s Bombshell January 6th Surveillance Video Release appeared first on The Political Insider.