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Yesterday, we reported that Oliver Anthony’s blue collar anthem “Rich Men North Of Richmond” had taken over the top spot on the iTunes country music chart from Jason Aldean’s “Try That In A Small Town.” Now, liberals are firing back by whining that “Rich Men North Of Richmond” is a “right-wing anthem” that is “offensive” and “fatphobic.”

‘Rich Men North Of Richmond’

Anthony uses the lyrics of “Rich Men North Of Richmond” to voice the frustrations of millions of working class Americans as he lashes out at politicians, welfare recipients and taxes.

“These rich men north of Richmond / Lord knows they all just want to have total control / Wanna know what you think / Wanna know what you do / And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do,” he sings. “Cause your dollar ain’t s***, and it’s taxed to no end / ‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond.”

“Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothing to eat and the obese milking welfare,” goes another line of the song. “Well God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds/ Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds.”

“Your dollar ain’t s*** and it’s taxed to no end / ‘cause of rich men north of Richmond,” he sings at a different point.

Related: Conservatives Are Going Crazy Over This Viral Protest Song By A Virginia Farmer

Liberals Lose Their Minds

The Independent reported that leftists have taken issue with some of these lyrics on social media.

“‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ isn’t some ode to the working class,” one user commented. “It’s a reactionary tune that perpetuates fatphobia and the classic ‘welfare queen’ trope popularized by [former US president Ronald Reagan]. It vaguely critiques the wealthy yet directly/inaccurately blames the poor for ‘milkin’’ the system.”

“‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ is an archetypal example of right wing populist ideology,” another user commented. “There’s a vague gesture against elites keeping working people down, but the alleged mechanism by which they are keeping them down is by giving their tax dollars to ‘undeserving’ poor people.”

“Nothing says class consciousness like a song where the entire middle verse is about how the poor can’t eat because of obese welfare recipients,” a third user wrote, with a fourth adding, “The opening of the song totally makes you think it’s going to have a cogent political point, so I thought he meant like a ‘corporate fat cat’, but no, he just means the obese lmao. It’s such weird misdirected anger.”

Unfortunately for these haters, however, “Rich Men North Of Richmond” continues to be a massive hit, being viewed over 16 million times on YouTube since video of it dropped just one week ago.

Related: Jason Aldean Dethroned Of Top Spot On The Country Music Chart By Blue-Collar Anthem ‘Rich Men North Of Richmond’

Anthony’s History

Whiskey River reported that Anthony lives off the grid with his three dogs on 90 acres in Farmville, Virginia. Conservative influencer Jason Howerton recently took to Twitter to tell the world more about Anthony’s background, explaining what exactly led him to write this song.

“In the past, Oliver was struggling with mental health & coping with alcohol. In depths of despair, just about a month ago, Oliver got to his knees & broke down in tears,” Howerton wrote. “Though he’s wasn’t a religious man, that night he promised God to get sober if he helped him follow his dream.”

“Oliver was about 30 days sober when someone reached out & asked him to come record a song for his YouTube channel,” he added. “That song was ‘Rich Men North of Richmond.’ Within days, the song was going VIRAL on social media.”

Liberals can whine about the success of “Rich Men North Of Richmond” all that they want to, but it’s not going to stop the rest of us from continuing to listen to it. Leftists may have the loudest voices at times, but the fact that “Rich Men North Of Richmond” is such a big hit shows that there really is a silent majority in this country that is fed-up with how things are going.

Liberals might want to take notice of that heading into the next election cycle, because it looks like things are about to change around here!

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The post Liberals Whine That Oliver Anthony’s Blue-Collar Anthem ‘Rich Men North Of Richmond’ Is ‘Offensive’ And ‘Fatphobic’ appeared first on The Political Insider.