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Info for you

Conservative author Matt Palumbo, who is responsible for such titles as “The Man Behind the Iron Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros” and “Debunk This! Shattering Liberal Lies,” is now taking readers behind the world of the fact-checking industry, a section of the media world which is not as objective nor trustworthy as the average person on the street may think.

In fact, quite the opposite.

Given the near-religious reverence by liberal journalists and politicians alike, Palumbo takes a hammer to their golden calves and reveals to Americans across all party lies how certain “reputable” organizations are actually weaponizing liberal narratives to make them appear as truths instead of objectively giving people the straight answers.

Giving this one last read through before publication

— Matt Palumbo (@MattPalumbo12) March 9, 2023

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The Mission

The book, “Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry,” will be released in two short months.

Palumbo’s book has two goals he wishes to accomplish—expose the fact-checking industry for the “fraud that it is” as he refers to it, and secondly, archive some of the most egregious “fact-checks” of our modern age by boldly fact-checking the fact-checkers.

From distorting the truth to help elected Democrats push radical agendas to purposefully spreading lies which damage our republic’s trust in our civil institutions, Palumbo breaks down case by case many of the instances liberal fact-checkers used their roles and the reputations of their outlets in order to manipulate the truth in order to shame the opposition for disagreeing with them, and sway outcomes culturally and politically.

Situations discussed include some examples of what Palumbo calls in one section of his book, “Adventures in Mental Gymnastics.” This portion shows numerous examples of liberal journalists taking situations, such as PolitiFact’s defense of Obama’s 2012 campaign “Apology Tour” and’s shielding of perennial-loser Stacy Abrams’ connections to defund the police efforts. Laid bare are the efforts to distort the facts in order to create an entirely different take on what actually happened.

The author’s passion for exposing the truth and dragging these media vampires into the light is felt from the very beginning, letting readers know that from the start, Palumbo means business.

“In the past year, mostly out of frustration from seeing the most incompetent people in politics be heralded as truth-tellers, I began actively documenting every example of fact-checker incompetence I could find to eventually present and expose the industry in the book you’re now reading,” Palumbo explains in the opening chapter.

For more than 300 pages, Palumbo goes as far as he can per story to ensure that no stone went unturned in his pursuit of what was real, false, and the murky in-between.

Matt Palumbo’s ‘Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers’: How We Know
Politifact Is Biased –

— Matthew A Newgarden (@a_newgarden) December 13, 2022

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This Isn’t Just a Book, It’s a Weapon of Self-Defense

It isn’t just important to know specific instances of when the self-appointed elitists choosing what is false and what is true messed up, it is also vital to understand who they are and who put them there.

From the usual suspects at CNN and the Washington Post, to others masquerading (poorly) as “moderates” such as Snopes and PolitiFact, Palumbo’s research into these organizations and the major players inside of them opens a Pandora’s box that once opened, you’ll never see certain news outlets or the fact-checkers the same ever again.

Much like his previous books, Palumbo writes in a style that is direct, easy to comprehend, and doesn’t require too much prior knowledge. He sets the stage, lays out the stakes, and walks readers through the entire book from beginning to end without leaving them confused or behind at any point.

Whether you want to bone up on your own knowledge, share with another curious friend or family member, or even pass it along to someone who might be too scared to question the holy fact-checkers out loud, this new book and the information contained inside is a weapon of self-defense in a world where the news is propaganda, the truth misses key details, and those we are told to trust have anything but our best interests at heart.

Who fact-checks the fact-checkers? Palumbo’s book gives that power to you, the reader.

“Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry” by Matt Palumbo will be available this July wherever books are sold.

Be sure to check out The Political Insider’s last interview with Matt Palumbo discussing his previous book “The Man Behind the Curtain.”

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The post Author Matt Palumbo Exposes in New Book How the Left Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry appeared first on The Political Insider.

 The Political Insider 


Conservative author Matt Palumbo, who is responsible for such titles as “The Man Behind the Iron Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros” and “Debunk This! Shattering Liberal Lies,” is now taking readers behind the world of the fact-checking industry, a section of the media world which is not as objective nor trustworthy as
The post Author Matt Palumbo Exposes in New Book How the Left Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry appeared first on The Political Insider.