Info for you

Info for you

FBI Opens Criminal Investigation Regarding Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Report

The FBI has opened a criminal investigation into the deadly collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. The investigation is focusing on the circumstances leading up to the incident and whether all federal laws were followed by the crew of the ship responsible. ABC News cites a source who says the bureau is […]

Democrats Pressure Nicole Shanahan To Abandon RFK Ticket Out of Trump Victory Fears

Progressive Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA), in a letter intended for vice presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan, is urging her to walk away from the ticket with Robert F Kennedy Jr., citing concerns that the campaign could lead to an election victory for Donald Trump. RFK announced his selection of Shanahan last month as he forges ahead […]

New York Times Acknowledges Deep State, Says It’s ‘Kind Of Awesome’

For a long time many on the Left, including the New York Times, talking about the ‘Deep State’ was mere rightwing conspiracy theory nonsense. The idea that there was an entrenched class of unelected bureaucrats manipulating society behind the scenes was just crazy talk, they insisted. Now, apparently, the Deep State is awesome. So declared […]