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The Hollywood legend Cher is being accused of hiring four men to kidnap her troubled son Elijah Blue Allman from a hotel in New York City. This allegation was made in court papers by Allman’s estranged wife Marieangela King amidst their divorce battle in Los Angeles.

Cher Allegedly Hires Men To Kidnap Her Son

Daily Mail reported that King alleged that Cher, 77, hired four men to kidnap Allman, 47, as he was trying to reconcile with his wife on their wedding anniversary. She claimed that she and Allman had spent twelve days in New York trying to work on their marriage.

“Given the proper time I believe that we will reconcile,” King said.

However, King claims that their reconciliation attempts were disrupted.

“On November 30, 2022, the night of our wedding anniversary, four people came to our hotel room and removed (Elijah) from our room,” she claimed. “I was told by one of the four men who took him that they were hired by (Elijah’s) mother.”

“I am currently unaware of my husband’s wellbeing or whereabouts,” she said in the filing four days after the alleged kidnapping, though she added that he was in “lockdown at a treatment facility that is undisclosed to me.”

“I understand his family’s efforts to make sure he is well, and I want what is best for my husband,” King concluded.

King also claimed in the filing that Cher had forced her to leave the home she shared with Allman.

“I was not allowed to retrieve all my belongings from our primary home and residence, nor was I given the opportunity to inventory our assets,” King alleged, according to USA Today. “We also have a storage unit that I have been unable to access which contains art, antiques, all our furniture from our second home that we had together in Beverly Hills and other assets accumulated during the marriage.”

Cher has yet to comment on these allegations publicly.

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Allman’s Difficult Few Months

Allman, who is the son of Cher and the late singer Gregg Allman, is reportedly back in rehab after a tumultuous six months at the Chateau Marmont hotel in Los Angeles, where staffers have frequently reached out to Cher to warn her about her son’s drugged-out appearance.

“Virtually every morning and afternoon Elijah could be seen in front of the hotel on the sidewalk either leaning against the wall or sitting on the sidewalk smoking,” one hotel insider said. “He would come out with a full cigarette and by the time he had finished it, he would be passed out.”

“It always looked like it was dipped in something,” the source added. “He looked strung-out and messy, like he was a homeless person living on the streets.”

Earlier this month, Cher hired a caretaker to watch her son at the hotel.

“The caretaker would sit out in the entrance area of the hotel just waiting to see where and what Elijah was up to,” the source said.

Cher planned an intervention for her son that was to take place on September 14, but before that could happen, hotel staff found his lifeless body lying face-down on the pavement by the hotel’s entrance. He was escorted from the hotel two days later and immediately began yet another stint in rehab.

Related: Cher Comes Unglued Again: ‘If Trump Wins…We’ll Never See Another Election By The People’

Allman’s Drug Issues

Allman has been open about his issues with drugs in the past.

“I started with drugs around the same time that we all did, around 11,” he told Entertainment Tonight back in 2014. “I mean it’s just what you did, it’s just what everybody did.”

“I was just looking to escape all the things in my past and, that’s when you turn to those kind of drugs, you know heroin and opiates,” he continued. “Heroin kind of saved me. If I didn’t have that at that point, I don’t know what I would have done. You may jump off a bridge. If you can only just go through that time period and live through it and then get help.”

Allman went on to admit that his drug addiction got so bad at times that he almost died.

“I did have some close calls and some moments of really feeling at the edge of mortality,” he said. “I always kind of kept it a little bit safe but you never can do that. Even though you think that in your mind, of course the wrong things can happen.”

“The wrong combination of things can happen and you can just slip into the abyss,” he added. “I knew it was wrong and I knew that I was very unsatisfied with life at that point.”

Cher has refrained from commenting publicly on her sons issues with addiction.

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