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Info for you

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley was the subject of mockery following a report that the Pentagon is spying on Americans’ social media for “mean tweets” about top military brass as a means to help them avoid “embarrassment.”

An Intercept report published over the weekend reveals that the U.S. Army Protective Services Battalion, the Pentagon’s version of Secret Service, is tasked with protecting top members of the military.

The unit, they write, protects current and former high-ranking military officers from “assassination, kidnapping, injury or embarrassment.”

One of those things is not like the other. Can you spot which one?

“When the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley enters into his scheduled retirement later this year, one of the perks will include a personal security detail to protect him from threats — including ’embarrassment,’” the Intercept relays.

RELATED: General Mark Milley Reportedly Vowed To ‘Fight’ Trump From The Inside, ‘If They Want to Put Me in Prison, Have At It’

Military Spying on Social Media to Hunt Down Mean Tweets About Generals Like Mark Milley

The irony here is that there really isn’t anything more embarrassing for the military or General Mark Milley than the notion that they need security detail to protect them from “mean tweets.”

Honestly, our new woke military might as well pre-surrender for the next war. How pathetic.

Milley, you may recall, is the same military tough guy who vowed to fight President Trump from “within” and dared anybody who opposed him to put him “in prison.”

Such a warrior. Such a superhero. Except memes are apparently his Kryptonite.

“Protective Services’s mandate has expanded to include monitoring social media for ‘direct, indirect, and veiled’ threats and identifying ‘negative sentiment’ regarding its wards,” according to Army documents reviewed by the Intercept.

Tweet some sort of ‘negative sentiment’ about Milley and he’ll turn to mush, weeping like Adam Kinzinger. Thank God he has protection preventing that from ever happening.

RELATED: Joint Chiefs Of Staff General Mark Milley Defends Critical Race Theory: ‘I Want To Understand White Rage’

Milley Gets Torched

How did the Twitterverse respond to reports that Milley and other top military brass needed protection from “mean tweets”? As only they could.

By hammering him with mean tweets.

Well, I don’t know about you, but it sounds like those people are risking a free stay at Gitmo for “embarrassing” our top generals with their outrageous “mean tweets.”

I for one won’t be pointing out that General Mark Milley is a traitorous piece of trash for vowing to warn China if the United States had launched a military maneuver, practically begging the communist nation to preempt any such perceived effort by striking first.

Milley, according to a book titled Peril published in September of 2021, assured General Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army of China that the United States military would not strike.

Perhaps most astonishing was a quote provided by the Washington Post which shows Milley was willing to warn China if an attack was in the works.

We can’t mention that because that would be “mean.”

Nor will I be pointing out he has spent the past few years defending Critical Race Theory far more aggressively than our own military in Afghanistan.

Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, admitted he was concerned about “white rage” in Trump supporters at the Capitol riot. He should have used some of that concern in Afghanistan.

You may recall the Afghanistan withdrawal led to a suicide bombing killing 13 service members, a retaliatory drone strike by the United States that killed 10 civilians – including an aid worker and 7 children – and countless Americans being left behind in the Taliban-controlled country.

And you can bet your ass the Pentagon is watching your every mean tweet about him and any other top members of the military.

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