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Nancy Pelosi accidentally referred to Hillary Clinton as being a past President while extolling her efforts in safeguarding democracy in America, and claimed the former First Lady was the one politician Russian President Vladimir Putin feared most in 2016.

The odd comments came during an event at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs where Clinton interviewed the former House Speaker.

“What do you, Nancy, view as the biggest threats and challenges facing our democracy and what are the opportunities to try to stop that backsliding and turn it around?” Clinton asked.

Pelosi replied, “Well, I appreciate that question, but I also appreciate your leadership in this regard when President.”

Immediately realizing her gaffe, Pelosi put her hand over her chest and said, “My hope.”

RELATED: ‘Running Again’ – Hillary Clinton Mocked Over Video Skit Announcing New Gig Teaching Foreign Policy at Columbia

Pelosi Says Putin Feared ‘President’ Hillary Clinton the Most

Isn’t that just emblematic of the entire crux of where we are today? With the backdrop of Donald Trump’s recent indictment in our minds, we have the single most prominent Democrat of the past several decades in Nancy Pelosi with a Freudian slip about ‘President’ Hillary Clinton.

Democrats have been denying the results of the 2016 election and trying to rewrite history on Trump’s historic victory ever since the night she was defeated. It says something about Pelosi’s psyche and her party as a whole.

Speaking of ‘psyche’ or rather, the psychotic, Pelosi proceeded to make the claim that Putin feared Hillary Clinton most out of any politician at the time, yet another backhanded suggestion that he helped defeat her in that election.

“It was her clarity and position to the present – Putin – present occupant leader of Russia, that made him turn around and ensure, in an illegal way, come out against her in her campaign and interference in our democracy by Vladimir Putin, because Hillary Clinton was the person he feared most in terms of his lack of democracy in Russia,” Pelosi babbled.

“That’s, I think, self-evident, so thank you for what you have done.”

Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton just said Vladimir Putin interfered in our “Democracy” by helping Trump win because he feared Hillary Clinton more than Donald Trump.

Does anyone actually believe these outlandish claims?

— Proud Elephant (@ProudElephantUS) April 3, 2023

What is self-evident is that – word salad aside – Pelosi’s basic claims are just more lies from a career liar.

Allegations about collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Putin have repeatedly been debunked – even by some of the Democrat Party’s greatest hopes of proving them – and a study published by Nature in January shows Russia’s efforts to influence the election on social media had “no measurable impact” on the election.

But ‘A’ for effort, Nancy. Denying elections while talking about “protecting democracy” is what we can expect.

Nancy Pelosi is an election denying conspiracy theorist

— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) April 4, 2023

RELATED: Flashback: Hillary Clinton Went on Russian Television and Said Obama Wanted to ‘Strengthen Russia’

Putin Didn’t ‘Fear’ Hillary

As per usual, there is a vast chasm between reality and what Pelosi and the Democrats are trying to sell you, but they drive right off the cliff willingly like Thelma & Louise with the lies anyway.

Why would Putin fear Hillary Clinton the most?

During a 2010 interview – on Russian television no less – then-Secretary of State Clinton said the goal of the Obama administration at the time was to “strengthen Russia.”

In a 2010 interview on Russian television, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that the Obama administration wanted travel and business to increase between Russia and America and that the Obama administration wanted to “help strengthen Russia.”

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) July 18, 2018

Two years later, Clinton was again on television and announced that the Obama administration viewed Russia as an ally.

“In many of the areas where we are working to solve problems, Russia has been an ally,” Clinton said.

“So I think it’s somewhat dated to be looking backwards instead of being realistic about where we agree, where we don’t agree, but looking for ways to bridge the disagreements and then to maximize the cooperation.”

What? Cooperation with our ‘ally’ Russia? This would have ‘literally’ been treason if a Trump administration official said it between 2016 and 2020.

POLL: Should Pelosi be removed from office for “denying an election”?

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Not to mention it was Clinton and Obama who issued a “reset” button on Russian relations, something she previously claimed was a “brilliant” plan, and who, according to Obama’s chief cyber official Michael Daniel, issued a “stand down” order against Russian cyberattacks in 2016.

But yea, Putin “feared” her “most.”

Hopefully, this will be the first of many interviews conducted by Clinton with her friends where we can easily dissect the lies coming out of the Democrat party.

She does, after all, have a new gig at Columbia University teaching foreign policy decision-making at the institution.

Perhaps Pelosi can make a follow-up visit and one day explain to us why Islamic terrorists ‘feared’ Clinton most of all due to her policies on securing US embassies.

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The post Pelosi Praises Hillary’s Efforts to Protect Democracy ‘When She Was President,’ Claims Putin Feared Her Most in 2016 appeared first on The Political Insider.

 The Political Insider 


Nancy Pelosi accidentally referred to Hillary Clinton as being a past President while extolling her efforts in safeguarding democracy in America, and claimed the former First Lady was the one politician Russian President Vladimir Putin feared most in 2016. The odd comments came during an event at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs
The post Pelosi Praises Hillary’s Efforts to Protect Democracy ‘When She Was President,’ Claims Putin Feared Her Most in 2016 appeared first on The Political Insider.