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Former Representative Liz Cheney has accepted an appointment as a Professor of Practice for the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia (UVA).

UVA announced the news and said the appointment was effective immediately.

As one would imagine, the announcement on Cheney’s hiring included a plethora of references to saving democracy, something she genuinely feels she did by spending the last three years of her career focusing on former President Donald Trump like a deranged cat lady.

“There are many threats facing our system of government and I hope my work with the Center for Politics and the broader community at the University of Virginia will contribute to finding lasting solutions that not only preserve but strengthen our democracy,” Cheney said in a statement.

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Professor of Practice at UVA – Liz Cheney

Likewise, UVA President Jim Ryan couldn’t help but claim Cheney is a principled conservative warrior for democracy.

“Our students will have an incredible opportunity to learn from Liz Cheney, who has fiercely defended democracy as part of a distinguished career,” Ryan said.

Professor Larry Sabato, director of the UVA Center for Politics and a fierce Democrat critic of Donald Trump, also perched Cheney atop an undeserving pedestal, calling her “a model of political courage and leadership.”

“She’s a true profile in courage, and she was willing to pay the price for her principles — and democracy itself,” Sabato said.

She’s a profile on losing your mind and career because somebody makes you feel uncomfortable.

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A Placeholder Until She Runs For President in 2024

If students are seeking to learn about and hear lectures on abandoning every moral and belief they’ve ever held, then Professor Cheney will be a wealth of knowledge.

Will there be a course offering called ‘Serving as a Useful Idiot for the Democrat Party 101’?

Perhaps a lecture on ‘How to be a Warmonger’ or a ‘Step-by-Step Guide to Losing Your Seat in Congress’? Cheney is your woman.

Cheney has been vociferously pushing the United States toward nuclear war by supporting Ukraine in their fight with Russia and denouncing anybody who feels America is more important.

She was soundly defeated in her primary by nearly 40% after representing Wyoming’s at-large congressional district from 2017 to 2023.

Acting as a professor at UVA is at least slightly more respectable than the other half of the ambiguously stray duo consisting of her and former Representative Adam Kinzinger.

Kinzinger has been reduced to political commentary on the sinking network CNN, 24/7 trolling on Twitter, hawking autographed copies of the January 6th select committee final report online for $100 a pop, and writing his memoir titled, Renegade: My Life in Faith, the Military, and Defending America from Trump’s Attack on Democracy.

These two actually believe they are renegades.

So yea, it could definitely be worse.

Cheney’s role at UVA is most likely a placeholder as she takes her crusade to stop Trump national by entering the 2024 presidential race, something she has hinted at in the past.

Running for president “is something that I am thinking about,” she told NBC’s “Today” last August.

The problem for her is, nobody else is thinking about it. Cheney is currently polling at about 2% for the Republican primary.

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The post Professor Liz Cheney is Taking Her Talents to Virginia, Where She Will ‘Fiercely Defend Democracy’ to Students at UVA appeared first on The Political Insider.