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In a dark turn of events, the progressive left seems to have found an ally in Satanists. Members of the Satanic Temple gathered inside the Idaho State Capitol on Monday in response to a Republican-sponsored House bill aiming to ban sex change procedures for minor children.

Rebecca Brannon of TPUSA Frontlines posted video of the “Satanic Gender Affirmation Ritual” held inside the Capitol rotunda.

Satanic Temple protesters performs “gender affirmation ritual” inside Idaho state capitol to protest proposed bill to ban sex change surgeries on children.

“Hail Satan to that!”

— Rebecca Brannon (@RebsBrannon) February 14, 2023

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Satanists Protest Child Sex Change Bill in Idaho

The Wikipedia page for the Satanic Temple – not to be confused with the Church of Satan – reads like more like a socialist manifesto than a “religious” organization. 

The Satanic Temple has publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict women’s reproductive autonomy, exposed harmful pseudo-scientific practitioners in mental health care, organized clubs alongside other religious after-school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations, and engaged in other advocacy in accordance with our tenets.

The same Satanic Temple that enjoys tax-exempt status as a religious nonprofit granted to them by the IRS.

The members who gathered in the Capitol described themselves as “light bringers to the community”. They described their mission as one “to be adversaries to injustice.”

“Bodily autonomy is sacred,” one blue-haired member declared. After which a bell was struck.

“We will fight against our oppressors for this value, as it is a deeply held religious belief. Take a moment to observe and listen around you,” the Satanist continues, followed by another bell strike.

The Satanists were met by counter protestors brandishing American flags and signs reading “Idaho is God’s Country” and “You are not a mistake”. The latter references Genesis 1:31 from the bible.

Genesis 1:31, ESV: God saw everything that He made, including you, and He was satisfied. God doesn’t make mistakes, especially not when He made you.

Idaho Satanists perform ‘gender affirmation ritual’ to protest ban on surgeries for children

“Hail Satan, but more importantly – hail yourselves”

— RPK Report (@RPKReport) February 14, 2023

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Idaho Passes Bill Banning Sex Changes for Minors 

House Bill 71 sponsored by Rep. Bruce Skaug’s prohibits “puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex reassignment surgeries when administered to Idaho children struggling with gender dysphoria.” Skaugs said the legislation was necessary to “protect children” and prevent permanent harm he contends puberty blockers and hormone treatment could cause.

The bill criminalizes the above treatments for minors going so far as subjecting physicians to felony charges. 

The Satanists efforts were either in vain or possibly solidified the vote as the bill overwhelmingly passed in the Idaho House on Tuesday. The vote followed party lines with the exception of one Republican who voted no.

The Republican holdout later stated that he felt the bill did not sufficiently guarantee that impacted children and their families would have access to counseling.

The Idaho bill stands in stark contrast to positions held by organizations like the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics and American Psychiatric Association, who support gender-affirming care for youth. Many of which openly oppose legislative attempts to limit to what they describe as gender-affirming care.

That hasn’t stopped Republican lawmakers from pushing bans on sex change treatments for minors in more than two dozen states. The Idaho bill being the latest to pass.

Satanists performed a “gender affirmation ritual” today in Boise, ID in protest against a proposed Idaho bill that would prohibit sex-change surgeries on children.

The Satanic Temple protest event was vastly outnumbered by hundreds of counter protesters.

Uploading video…

— Rebecca Brannon (@RebsBrannon) February 14, 2023

RELATED: Texas School District Drops Radical Sex Ed Curriculum After Parents Discover What’s Inside

Satanic Temple Working to Subvert Pro-Life

Sex changes for minors aren’t the only concerning item on the Satanic Temple’s agenda. The organization recently launched an online abortion clinic in response to last year’s Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

In a move so low it’s only befitting the Satanic Temple, the organization opened the “The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic”. Alito, you might recall, is the justice who wrote the highly controversial opinion.

The Abortion Lobby and Satanism go hand in hand. The Satanic Temple is providing “free religious medication abortion” in a new abortion facility they’re opening in New Mexico

— Chet (@ChetRusinek) February 9, 2023

If you’re willing to make a mockery of Christ, it’s not much of a stretch to so disgustingly mock a Supreme Court justice. 

The Satanic Temple’s online clinic offers telehealth screenings and prescribes abortion medication for patients wishing to take part in their “religious abortion ritual”.

“Baphomet” is the symbol of the Satanic church. You’ll note in this image that the bronze sculpture of Baphomet commissioned by The Satanic Temple has children standing beside the half-human, half-goat entity. Coincidence?

Marc Nozell from

One thing is for certain: the struggle between darkness and light is ever more obvious and imperative. 

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 The Political Insider 


In a dark turn of events, the progressive left seems to have found an ally in Satanists. Members of the Satanic Temple gathered inside the Idaho State Capitol on Monday in response to a Republican-sponsored House bill aiming to ban sex change procedures for minor children. Rebecca Brannon of TPUSA Frontlines posted video of the
The post “Satanic Gender Affirmation Ritual” Held at State Capitol to Protest Bill Banning Child Sex Changes appeared first on The Political Insider.