Info for you

Info for you

It’s not as if you need any further proof that the FBI is currently working against the American people in nearly every capacity. But if you do, we have a hell of a story for you.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to a report released earlier this week by the House Judiciary Committee, colluded with a Ukrainian intelligence agency to pressure major social media platforms to remove accounts that were perceived to be spreading Russian disinformation.

And as we know all too well from the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and the collusion hoax – “Russian disinformation” is rarely disinformation at all.

Some of the social media accounts flagged for removal belonged to Americans, “including a verified US State Department account and those belonging to American journalists.”

The report accuses the FBI of having “violated the First Amendment rights of Americans and potentially undermine (ing) our national security.”

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FBI Worked With Ukraine To Censor American Social Media Accounts

The report by the House Judiciary Committee would be shocking if it weren’t becoming a commonplace occurrence for the federal government at the highest levels to have censored the American people on social media.

The committee reveals that the FBI partnered with the SBU – one of Ukraine’s intelligence agencies – to censor social media accounts for alleged Russian disinformation.

The SBU is described as a “censorship operation” that had been “compromised by a network of Russian collaborators, sympathizers, and double agents at the time of its interactions with the FBI.”

The report is based on documents subpoenaed by Facebook’s parent company Meta, as well as YouTube’s parent company Alphabet.

“Regardless of its intended purpose in endorsing the SBU’s requests, the FBI had no legal justification for facilitating the censorship of Americans’ protected speech on social media,” the report states. “In contrast to the Biden Administration’s stated support for Ukraine, the FBI, on behalf of the SBU, flagged Americans’ accounts and posts that were critical of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

It’s time to face facts – the United States government is a full-on propaganda operation. One that you read about in grade school as only existing in communist dictatorships.

We no longer have free speech in America. Think about that for a minute.

RELATED: Former Twitter Executives Hammered During House Hearing on Censorship: ‘Who the Hell Do You Think You Are?’

Censorship Efforts Are Ongoing

Twitter doesn’t emerge from the report unscathed either. The committee writes that the FBI’s efforts in colluding with the Ukraine intelligence agency to censor American social media accounts are “ongoing.”

“The FBI’s participation in the SBU’s censorship efforts on American social media platforms continued even after Twitter’s (former Head of Trust and Safety) Yoel Roth warned the FBI about American accounts on the SBU’s lists,” the report reads.

The famed “Twitter Files” release following Elon Musk’s purchase of the social media platform, covered extensively by The Political Insider, had already revealed internal files showing the FBI paid Twitter and colluded with the platform to suppress “Russian disinformation.”

The Russian disinformation at the time happened to be the since-proven Hunter Biden laptop scandal that directly interfered in the 2020 presidential election.

Other files dropped by Musk and a consortium of journalists showed how the Big Tech company controlled the narrative on COVID.

Propaganda, plain and simple. The enemy of the people.

Musk has alleged that the federal government “had full access to everything that was going on on Twitter” including American user’s DMs (direct messages).

DMs are practically text messages. Private messages.

They are trying to control your private conversations and now, it appears, they are doing so at the behest of a corrupt foreign nation in Ukraine.

How people are not taking to the streets over this report is beyond comprehension.

President Joe Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan did not dispute the accuracy of the report, according to the New York Post, but did insist the White House is an ardent supporter of “press freedom.”

Narrator: They’re not.

“All I will tell you is that the United States and the Biden administration strongly support press freedom, media freedom and would support no steps that would be taken to undermine that,” Sullivan said.

Notice what he didn’t voice support for? American citizens and their freedom. Freedom of speech.

Of course, the Biden administration supports press freedom because, as multiple reports now indicate, the press and social media were being forced into certain coverage by the federal government. The press is a propaganda outfit for the current White House.

The original Church committee was formed in 1975 to study abuses in various intelligence departments, including the FBI, CIA, and IRS. The revelations, mostly unknown to Americans today, revealed some of the worst crimes in our nation’s history.

A clip of the late Senator Frank Church, in a discussion of the committee on NBC’s “Meet the Press” in 1975, shows him demonstrating the capacity of the intelligence community to harness certain technological advancements to monitor messages and use such tech against the American people.

“The technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back,” Church warned at the time.

Church later added that Americans would have “no place to hide.”

That was 48 years ago. They’re still doing this to the American people today.

This latest report makes clear that the FBI no longer works on behalf of the American people. They work at the direction and command of a corrupt nation in Ukraine.

As Ukraine’s SBU was “compromised by a network of Russian collaborators, sympathizers, and double agents,” they were, in reality, working for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Everything they’ve accused those who oppose American involvement in the Ukraine war of – they were actually doing.

The FBI was Putin’s puppet.

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