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Info for you

A new study shows Democrat lawmakers vote far more often with liberal policies than Republicans do conservative policies.

The thorough and far-reaching study, conducted by the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), demonstrates that the media and Democrat spin that the GOP is more in line with non-centrist views is false.

CPAC analyzed 150,000 individual votes cast by 7,400 lawmakers across all 50 states and concluded Republicans voted with the conservative position on matters 76.71% of the time, while Democrats voted with the liberal position a staggering 87.40% of the time.

The study also ranked state legislatures from most to least conservative with West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Tennesee topping the list and Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Hawaii at the bottom.

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Democrats Are Far More Liberal Than Republicans Are Conservative

Also of note with the CPAC study is the conclusion that Republicans tend to run on conservative policies only to fail to back up their positions once in office.

“Republicans run on conservative promises, but after they win more of them abandon the tough votes on key conservative policies when compared to Democrats whose first rule is to stick together,” said CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp.

“Our analysis shows how moderate Republicans broke apart on key issues like parental choice in education, securing strong voter ID, or putting a stop to COVID mandates.”

The findings of this study should really come as no surprise. Republican voters have long complained that GOP lawmakers fail to represent their best interests in office and only placate them with words and platitudes when it is election season.

It’s been demonstrated time and again at the national level with a promised ‘red wave’ that was supposed to impeach the President, reign in his spending, drop inflation, and hold those in positions of authority accountable.

None of that has materialized as of yet.

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Republicans Aren’t as Extremely Far-Right As They Want You To Believe

X CEO Elon Musk recently pointed out it’s nearly impossible to accurately define the term ‘far-right’ since the media currently states anything not in complete adherence to liberal policy is considered fringe.

“These days, anyone who doesn’t unquestionably accept every aspect of the left agenda (formerly known as being moderate), is ‘far right’,” he posted on his social media platform.

Musk, who had been a lifelong Democrat, voted for his first Republican candidate and urged others to vote with the GOP in the 2022 midterms.

He posted a graphic that same year indicating liberals had moved so far to the left as ‘woke’ progressives that it’s pushed people in the middle inadvertently to the right side of the political spectrum through no fault of their own.

This latest study seems to confirm it is Democrat lawmakers unwilling to compromise their liberal platforms, siding more consistently with the extreme element of their party.

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