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Info for you

$8 Billion in U.S. Funds May Have Gone to the Taliban

By Adam Andrzejewski for RealClearInvestigations Since the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021, the U.S. has continued sending money to the country in the form of humanitarian aid. Now, a watchdog claims that the U.S. can’t be confident that our $8 billion of aid to Afghanistan isn’t funding the Taliban. John Sopko, […]

Inspector General: American Taxpayer Dollars, Aid Could Be Going to the Taliban

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) John Sopko testified to Congress that American taxpayer money might be ending up with the Taliban. The Afghanistan watchdog made the shocking claim speaking with lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee Wednesday. Sopko was trying to convey that aid from the United States may be getting picked off […]

Biden Admin Admits Over 100 Americans Still Left Behind in Afghanistan

The Republicans have the House, which means all those investigations promised during the midterms are kicking off in full swing. The hearings I’ve been the most interested in as a veteran of the last Forever War are the ones related to the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Like many veterans in our generation, my husband and […]