Mark Harmon Reveals Secret Behind ‘NCIS’ Success – ‘It’s Very Rare’

The Hollywood star Mark Harmon spoke out earlier this month to talk about his 19-year run on the hit CBS drama television series “NCIS,” and to reveal what he believes the secret behind the show’s success really is. Happy 20th anniversary NCIS! @M_Weatherly @sashaalexander @SeanHMurray @PauleyP Cote Pablo,Mark Harmon @MuseWatson @LaurenHolly DavidMcullen @BrianDietzen Robert Wagner […]
Tulsi Gabbard Hammers Biden Over Ground Zero Snub: He Wants You To Forget About 9/11, Focus On New Wars

Former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a one-time Democrat candidate for President, hammered Joe Biden over his Ground Zero snub on the 22-year anniversary of 9/11. As reported by the Political Insider, Biden turned the solemn occasion on Monday into an afterthought, squeezing in a brief ceremony at a joint military base in Alaska while his plane, […]