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Info for you

Now Even Republicans Are Trying To Keep Trump Off the Ballot With 14th Amendment Theories

Bryant “Corky” Messner, a former Senate candidate endorsed by Donald Trump in 2020, is now pushing left-wing arguments that the 14th Amendment bars the former President from running for office. A Politico report highlights how Republicans in New Hampshire “have erupted in a feud” over the legal theory that would keep Trump off the ballot. […]

Tucker Carlson Grills America Last Republican Presidential Candidates

The former Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently grilled Republican presidential candidates at a forum in Iowa, calling out unending support for Ukraine to several individuals while also getting into heated exchanges over child transgender transitions and COVID vaccinations. The most notable of the tense exchanges came between Carlson and the former Vice President Mike […]

Vivek Ramaswamy Just Caught Ron DeSantis For Second Place In Latest GOP Poll

A new GOP presidential poll shows a surprising surge for biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, as he is now dead even with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for second place. The news comes as quite a surprise, perhaps more so for the DeSantis campaign than anybody else. A survey from Kaplan Strategies shows DeSantis and Ramaswamy tied […]