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Info for you

Mexico Puts Piece of Berlin Wall Near Border to Teach America a ‘Lesson’

During his 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden swore he would cease any more construction on the border wall; the common left-wing position being that any national sovereignty for America is racist and xenophobic.  And yet, President Biden has quietly constructed small parts of the border wall. In a rare moment for Uncle Joe, it appears he […]

Biden’s Border Chaos Is Neither an Accident, Nor Incompetence. It’s Intentional.

By Deroy Murdock for The Daily Signal President Joe Biden became president largely by promising to Make America Normal Again. The shambolic U.S.-Mexico “border” confirms how Biden shattered that promise. There is nothing normal about the coast-to-coast disaster over which he governs, thanks largely to his deeply abnormal definition of border security. Under Biden, the southern “border” has become […]

HHS Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas Testifies, Warns U.S. is ‘Middleman’ in Human Trafficking Operation

The U.S.’s involvement in a “sophisticated network” of young migrants being trafficked into forced labor and other types of slavery has been exposed by a whistleblower who saw it firsthand. She described this network as being sophisticated. Witnesses in the Congressional hearing, titled “The Biden Border Crisis: Exploitation of Unaccompanied Alien Children,” included Health and […]