Info for you

Info for you

Tucker Wants to Know ‘What Happened to Canada’ After Student Arrested Following Suspension Over Comments That There Are Only Two Genders

Josh Alexander, a Canadian high school student, was reportedly arrested last month while attempting to attend class following a suspension for protesting against biological males using girls’ bathrooms and saying there are only two genders. Alexander, a student at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario, told the Epoch Times he was barred from […]

Tucker Carlson Demands ‘Professional Christian’ Leaders Stand Up For Canadian Pastor Arrested For Protesting Drag Queen Event For Kids

Fox News host Tucker Carlson demanded “professional Christians” stand up and defend a Canadian pastor recently arrested for protesting a drag queen story event targeting children. The incident took place on February 25th at the Calgary Public Library where Derek Reimer of Mission7 was accused of joining several others in interrupting the drag event by […]