Former NYT Editor Reveals He Was Attacked By HR For Enjoying Chick-fil-A ‘Because They Hate Gay People’

In case you were under the impression that employees at the New York Times should be held in higher regard than the average American newspaper, this story should make you think again. They are not stocked simply with left-leaning intelligentsia. According to this report from former editor Adam Rubenstein, they are seemingly loaded with fresh-out-of-university […]
Is Conservative Favorite Chick-fil-A Next On the Right’s Boycott List?

It’s been a turbulent few weeks for many major businesses, with boycotts causing sales to plummet amidst “pride month” products and advertisements alienating large swaths of the consumer population. A company nobody would think would be in the crosshairs of conservatives has now found itself on the list of possible boycott-worthy companies. The beloved Chick-fil-A […]