Info for you

Info for you

The Legacy Of the United States’ Secret Wars, Past and Present

The Constitution grants Congress the power to declare war on behalf of the United States. The Founding Fathers believed that to entrust declarations of war to one man – as was the case with the British monarchy – would be too great a temptation and too heady of a responsibility. Congress has declared war a […]

Dr. Anthony Fauci Tests Positive For Covid Again

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who once claimed to represent Science, the man who convinced Americans that they needed to wear masks, get the vaccine, then booster-up multiple times to avoid getting COVID, has reportedly tested positive once again. The news comes via a staff email from New York Times assistant managing editor Elisabeth Bumiller. Fauci, 82, […]

John Fetterman Ripped After Saying Congress Doesn’t Send Their Best And Brightest

Senator John Fetterman, who had to have Senate colleagues make concessions in order to deal with his “special needs” as well as his inability to dress like a grown adult, suggested America isn’t sending their “best and brightest’ to represent them in Congress. Fetterman’s comments, oblivious to his own stature as one of the most […]

Elon Musk Issues Chilling Warning About AI – ‘Civilization Risk’

The tech billionaire Elon Musk went to the Capitol on Wednesday to warn U.S. senators that artificial intelligence poses a “civilizational risk” to both governments and societies alike. Live look at Elon Musk (me) walking into the Senate AI Insight forum! — Elon Musk (Parody) (@ElonMuskAOC) September 13, 2023 Musk’s AI Warning NBC News […]