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Info for you

Rep Nancy Mace Tells DOJ to ‘Get Off Its Ass’ After Oversight Committee Shows Biden Family Created Shell Companies to Hide Foreign Cash

Congresswoman Nancy Mace demanded the Department of Justice “get off its ass” and investigate the Biden family after the House Oversight Committee presented evidence they believe shows relatives of the President created shell companies to cover up payments from foreign nationals. The Committee released a memo Wednesday showing that family members of the President and […]

Joe Biden ‘Will Be Impeached’ Over Report Allegedly Linking Him to ‘Criminal Scheme,’ Says MTG

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene confidently predicted President Joe Biden “will be impeached” following a bombshell report alleging he engaged in criminal activity. House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) announced Wednesday that a whistleblower had come forth claiming the DOJ and FBI possess a file describing an alleged “criminal scheme” between […]

Election Interference: Ex-CIA Official Testifies That Biden Campaign Was Behind Letter From Intel Officials Claiming Hunter’s Laptop Was Russian Disinformation

Former acting CIA Director Mike Morrell admitted the Biden presidential campaign was the impetus to create the infamous letter signed by 51 intelligence officials indicating Hunter Biden’s laptop amounted to ‘Russian disinformation’. Morrell, in a transcribed interview with the House Judiciary Committee and the House Intelligence Committee, testified that he received a call from now-Secretary […]

Inspector General: American Taxpayer Dollars, Aid Could Be Going to the Taliban

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) John Sopko testified to Congress that American taxpayer money might be ending up with the Taliban. The Afghanistan watchdog made the shocking claim speaking with lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee Wednesday. Sopko was trying to convey that aid from the United States may be getting picked off […]

IRS Whistleblower Sounds the Alarm: Hunter Biden Being Protected by Feds

By Dr. Derek Ellerman I am going to break one of the rules I tell all my fellow writers: Never tell your audience that they shouldn’t be surprised. Why would someone want to continue reading if they already know what happens? Well, dear reader, you shouldn’t at all be surprised by the latest allegations from […]

The Biggest Threat to America Isn’t Russia or China – It’s the Enemy Within

Depending on what 24/7 mainstream news channel you watch or political party you ascribe to, you are either fed that the biggest threat to America is Russia or China. No doubt worthy adversaries, particularly China, who I’ve long admired for their dedication to a cause and ‘long-game’ foreign policy. However, much like great people, great […]

President Donald Trump Indicted by Manhattan Grand Jury

By Dr. Derek Ellerman Well, folks, they did it. And boy did they fake me out.  Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States and currently the leading Republican candidate for President, has been indicted in Manhattan.  Yes, I know I told you the grand jury was taking a surprise month off. They tricked me […]

House Oversight Committee Opens Investigation Into DOD 5th Consecutive Failed Audit

After the Department of Defense (DOD) failed its fifth consecutive audit in November, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) are looking into the DOD’s failure to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse. The Republican congressmen wrote to Defense Secretary […]