Ukrainian President Zelensky Attempts to Shake Down U.S. Taxpayers in Exchange for Elections

Next year will be not just an election year here in the United States, but it’s supposed to be one in Ukraine as well. However, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, elections can only happen if, you guessed it… Uncle Sam gives them more money. In a recent interview, President Zelensky divulged a conversation with […]
Bidenomics Is Forcing You To Pay Hundreds More Per Month – Here’s The Proof

Moody’s Analytics is reporting that the average American household under Bidenomics is paying over $700 more per month this year than they did two years ago – for the exact same goods and services. The economic research firm’s numbers indicate that this is the effect staggering inflation under the current administration has had on the […]
The GOP Has Gotten Smoked in Recent School Board Races – What Happened to CRT and Gender Ideology Momentum?

I remember the night Donald Trump won the Presidency. I was away from home in Alabama for military training and had final exams the next day – I remember that distinctly because I griped the entire day about how they should’ve pushed the exams up a day so that we could stay up to watch […]