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Info for you

Hillary Clinton: Trump Would Like To ‘Kill His Opposition’ If Re-Elected

Hillary Clinton made shocking statements during a recent podcast in which she appeared to suggest that former President Donald Trump would like to “kill his opposition.” The former First Lady made that declaration during a conversation with Democrat election lawyer Marc Elias. She believes Trump will model his presidency after that of Russian President Vladimir […]

Resurfaced Video Shows Nikki Haley Gushing Over Hillary Clinton: ‘Haley is Hillary 2.0’

Conservative social media star Benny Johnson shared a clip on Wednesday that showed a few examples of Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley heaping praise on Hillary Clinton. The latter being, if not the right’s Enemy Number One, then at least Number Two. “Haley fawns over Hillary after attending a Clinton speech then proudly declares Hillary […]

Barbra Streisand Pledges To Flee U.S. If Trump Wins In 2024 – ‘I Will Move’

The radically liberal Hollywood star Barbra Streisand has vowed to leave the United States if Donald Trump is reelected in 2024, saying that she “can’t live” here if he is president again. This comes one month after Streisand’s fellow singer Cher made the same promise, and only time will tell if they follow through! BREAKING: […]

Anti-War Heckler Disrupts Hillary Clinton Speech At Institute Of Global Politics Forum

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got lambasted by a heckler who took issue with her and President Joe Biden’s “incredible hypocrisy” during a discussion on human rights at Columbia University. Clinton was announced by Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger as having been appointed as Professor of Practice at the School of International and […]

Trump Challenges Meghan Markle To A Debate – ‘Let’s Set It Up’

The former President Donald Trump is speaking out this week to say that he would “love to debate” Meghan Markle, the woke wife of Prince Harry. Donald Trump tells Hugh Hewitt he would “love to debate” Meghan Markle: “I didn’t like the way she dealt with the queen … I’d love to debate her. I […]