Info for you

Info for you

DeSantis Vows to Abolish Four Federal Agencies – Including Education Department And IRS

Republican presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis pledged to abolish four federal agencies should he become President, including the Department of Education and the Internal Revenue Service. DeSantis indicated in a Fox News interview that a vital part of his administration would be limited government. When asked by anchor Martha MacCallum about abolishing any […]

Whistleblower: We Weren’t ‘Allowed’ To Ask About The ‘Big Guy’ Joe Biden

Internal Revenue Service whistleblower Gary Shapley claims that he and other IRS agents were not allowed to ask questions about President Joe Biden – the “big guy” – during their investigation of his son, Hunter. Shapley’s allegations were initially provided in testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee last month. He fleshed out his […]

IRS Whistleblower Sounds the Alarm: Hunter Biden Being Protected by Feds

By Dr. Derek Ellerman I am going to break one of the rules I tell all my fellow writers: Never tell your audience that they shouldn’t be surprised. Why would someone want to continue reading if they already know what happens? Well, dear reader, you shouldn’t at all be surprised by the latest allegations from […]