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Kirk Cameron Calls Out Book Fair Powerhouse Scholastic for Pornographic Content

Actor and children’s author Kirk Cameron announced his partnership with a new project aimed at unseating what is currently the biggest name in school book fairs. The Christian homeschool advocate and outspoken critic of LGBT books geared for children is going after the Scholastic Book Fairs to try to provide parents assurance that their children […]

Kirk Cameron Defies Hollywood Left To Reveal How Christian Values Shaped America

The former “Growing Pains” star Kirk Cameron, who has long been one of the only openly Christian conservative stars in Hollywood, is defying the left by revealing how the United States of America was actually shaped by Christian values. Kirk Cameron is a Christian, and has never hid his faith in his acting career. This […]

Protesters Try To Ruin Kirk Cameron Library Event – It Immediately Backfires

A group of radically liberal protesters in Huntsville, Alabama tried to ruin a library story hour featuring the Christian actor Kirk Cameron and the former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines last Saturday, but it didn’t end well for them. Drag Queen story hour=okay Kirk Cameron story hour=not okay — The Libs Of Reddit (@TheLibsOfReddit) August […]