Info for you

Info for you

VIDEO: CEO Of Missing Titanic Submarine Didn’t Want To Hire ’50-Year-Old White Guys’

Video has surfaced of Stockton Rush, the CEO of Oceangate, the company that operates the missing submarine that was attempting to explore the wreckage of the Titanic, saying he doesn’t hire “50-year-old white guys” because they’re not “inspirational.” The footage offers up fresh scrutiny for the company, and quite frankly, commentary on diversity hiring practices […]

Pentagon Finally Bans Drag Shows on Military Installations

Proving that persistence and perseverance generally result in wins, the Pentagon has finally decided to enforce a long-standing rule against drag events on military installations amidst GOP pressure. The announcement comes just as so-called “Pride Month” kicks off in our country. Drag shows and “drag queen story hours” have come under fire in the last […]

Anti-Gun Biden Leads the Way in Arms Deals, Selling to 57% of Autocratic Governments

A recent analysis by The Intercept reveals that the United States, under President Joe Biden, has been arming some of the worst countries in the world. Through weapons sales, Uncles Sam and Joe have been facilitating the transfer of weapons of death to countries that actively oppress their people and kill their own citizens. They […]

Cruz Mocks Biden Admin for Pushing All Electric Military Vehicles: Hopefully Our Enemies Will Be Nice Enough to Install Charging Stations

Senator Ted Cruz mocked Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm after she voiced support for the military to convert to an all-electric vehicle fleet. Cruz’s comments came after Granholm told lawmakers during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing of the administration’s push for the EV military force. Senator Joni Ernst inquired as to whether the administration […]

American Nuclear Subs Now Bound for South Korea Amid Taiwan Tension

According to authorities speaking to media on Tuesday, the US will send submarines to South Korea equipped with nuclear ballistic missiles. The deployment is probably intended to reassure the South Korean population, who just learned that the US routinely spied on their government, as well as to dissuade North Korea from conducting more missile launches. […]

These Are the Voices That Get Lost In the ‘Woke Military’ Debate

I served in the Air Force for over 20 years. Anyone who has worn the uniform knows that to dedicate two decades of your life to service requires that your occupation becomes who you are.  I had adopted the core values of my service as my own over the years; Integrity First, Service Before Self, […]

Why Are U.S. Military Academies Seeing Alarming and Historic Increases in Sexual Assaults?

The United States military has struggled with the scourge of sexual harassment and assault for decades. Despite new programs, new offices, new training, and stand-down days meant to increase awareness and decrease instances of sexually related crimes, the military still wrestles with scandal after scandal. A recent survey of military academy cadets shows that this […]