Info for you

Info for you

Rapper Lil Pump Gets Tattoo Of Trump’s Mugshot On His Leg

The rapper Lil Pump showed off his support for Donald Trump on Tuesday by taking to social media to reveal that he recently got the former president’s mugshot tattooed on his leg. Lil Pump shares a photo of his Donald Trump mugshot tattoo. — Pop Tingz (@ThePopTingz) January 31, 2024 Lil Pump Debuts Tattoo […]

Air Force Base Warns Servicemembers That Exercising First Amendment Could Result in Discharge

There are specific rules military members must follow that your typical American citizen generally doesn’t have to concern themselves with. Servicemembers aren’t allowed to publicly speak out against the government in their service capacity or participate in political events while in uniform; they even must exercise caution in the sun as receiving a severe sunburn […]

Morning Joe: If Trump Wins He Will ‘Imprison’ and ‘Execute’ People

Leave it to “Morning Joe” Scarborough to go overboard in his hatred for Donald Trump. On Tuesday, the MSNBC host declared that Trump was not a “normal candidate” and should not be treated as such. Scarborough called Trump a threat to democracy and suggested that his campaign needed to handled in a particular way. Now […]