Info for you

Info for you

Pentagon Finally Bans Drag Shows on Military Installations

Proving that persistence and perseverance generally result in wins, the Pentagon has finally decided to enforce a long-standing rule against drag events on military installations amidst GOP pressure. The announcement comes just as so-called “Pride Month” kicks off in our country. Drag shows and “drag queen story hours” have come under fire in the last […]

Anti-Gun Biden Leads the Way in Arms Deals, Selling to 57% of Autocratic Governments

A recent analysis by The Intercept reveals that the United States, under President Joe Biden, has been arming some of the worst countries in the world. Through weapons sales, Uncles Sam and Joe have been facilitating the transfer of weapons of death to countries that actively oppress their people and kill their own citizens. They […]

The Pentagon Just ‘Discovered’ a $3 Billion Accounting Error That Benefits Ukraine – Even CNN’s Jake Tapper Thinks It’s Fishy

The Pentagon “discovered” a $3 billion accounting “error” that will conveniently allow President Biden to send more weapons to Ukraine without, as the news and administration claim – the need to ask Congress. It is a particularly opportune “mistake” considering the ongoing debt ceiling battle. Reuters reported on the alleged blunder late last week citing […]

These Are the Voices That Get Lost In the ‘Woke Military’ Debate

I served in the Air Force for over 20 years. Anyone who has worn the uniform knows that to dedicate two decades of your life to service requires that your occupation becomes who you are.  I had adopted the core values of my service as my own over the years; Integrity First, Service Before Self, […]

Biden Administration’s Response to Pentagon Leak: More Social Media Monitoring

The Biden administration is reportedly looking at expanding how it “monitors” social media sites and chatrooms going forward in response to recently leaked classified Pentagon documents that have rocked the national security community. NBC News cited a senior administration official and a congressional official in a report indicating the administration was “dismayed” that the documents […]

Pentagon Report Details Alien Mothership Theory About Sending Probes To Earth

Last month like many Americans, my husband and I were glued to our televisions as we watched coverage of unidentified flying objects showing up over our country and summarily getting shot down by our military. The first object, the famous Chinese spy balloon that took a meandering flight across our great country, kicked off the […]

House Oversight Committee Opens Investigation Into DOD 5th Consecutive Failed Audit

After the Department of Defense (DOD) failed its fifth consecutive audit in November, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) are looking into the DOD’s failure to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse. The Republican congressmen wrote to Defense Secretary […]