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Info for you

Revealing The Diplomat: 10 Fascinating Facts About President John Adams

John Adams, America’s 2nd president, often gets overshadowed by his predecessor, George Washington, and his successor, Thomas Jefferson. However, Adams’ influence and legacy are far from negligible. Here are 10 facts about John Adams, revealing a depth to this Founding Father that may surprise you. It really is — ThePoliticalInsider (@TPInsidr) April 24, 2023 […]

Beam Me Up Scottie! The Legacy of UFOs and the Presidency

These last few weeks, hope was rekindled within the UFO community that the United States government would finally have to pony up to their knowledge of extraterrestrials and their visitation of our planet. Those who have seen too many movies (and by those of us, I mean me) anxiously wondered if the government had the […]