VIDEO: Middle School Student Stands Up to School Board After Allegedly Sending Him Home for Wearing ‘Two Genders’ Shirt

A middle school student in Massachusetts called out his school board for allegedly sending him home after he wore a t-shirt stating, “There are only two genders.” Liam Morrison, a 12-year-old boy attending John T. Nichols Jr. Middle School, brought his case before the board on April 13th. Video obtained by the Twitter account @libsoftiktok […]
The GOP Has Gotten Smoked in Recent School Board Races – What Happened to CRT and Gender Ideology Momentum?

I remember the night Donald Trump won the Presidency. I was away from home in Alabama for military training and had final exams the next day – I remember that distinctly because I griped the entire day about how they should’ve pushed the exams up a day so that we could stay up to watch […]
Arizona School Board Member Wearing Cat Ears Argues That Hiring Teachers With Christian Values is Concerning

An Arizona school board member who identifies as a ‘neurodivergent queer black latina’ argued against hiring teachers from a Christian university, stating that she had “concerns” about their morals and values. Oh, and she did so while sporting cat ears. The Washington Elementary School District voted to dissolve a multi-year contract with Arizona Christian university, […]