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Info for you

Hours After Nashville Shooting, Dem Rep Katherine Clark Attacks ‘MAGA Extremists’ for Making Trans Community ‘Fight for Existence’

House Minority Whip Katherine Clark attacked “MAGA extremists” for their alleged cruelty and said the trans community was “being forced to fight for its very existence.” The second most powerful Democrat in the House made those comments within 48 hours of a transgender terrorist attack on a Christian elementary school that killed six, including three […]

Sen. Hawley Demands FBI Open Hate Crime Investigation Into Christian School Shooting

By Dr. Derek Ellerman Republican Senator Josh Hawley, regarded as one of the leading populist voices in the Senate, has demanded that FBI Director Christopher Wray and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas open a federal hate crime investigation into the school shooting at the Covenant Christian school in Tennessee.  For those catching up, […]