Ukrainian President Zelensky Attempts to Shake Down U.S. Taxpayers in Exchange for Elections

Next year will be not just an election year here in the United States, but it’s supposed to be one in Ukraine as well. However, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, elections can only happen if, you guessed it… Uncle Sam gives them more money. In a recent interview, President Zelensky divulged a conversation with […]
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Rips Into Ukraine’s President Zelensky During CPAC Speech: ‘Leave Your Hands Off of Our Sons and Daughters’

During the third day of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene used her speaking time, during a speech before and audience of conservative activists from across the country, to go after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s recent remarks regarding America’s further involvement in the conflict against Russia. Greene firmly said that […]