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Over the summer, we reported that the legendary The Beach Boys singer Mike Love had taken a shot at today’s woke culture when he stopped one of his concerts to sarcastically say that he was “concerned” about playing his hit song “Surfer Girl” in today’s climate because it is “gender specific.” Though Love received quite a bit of backlash for his remarks from the woke left, he’s standing his ground in a new interview.

Love Speaks Out Against ‘Wokeness’

“There’s too much canceling going on,” Love, 82, told The Messenger. “We’re kind of traditional people and that’s my smartass way of saying I’m not going to be constrained by somebody else’s wokeness.”

Love went on to address the comments that he made back in July that landed him in hot water with the left.

“This next song I’m a little concerned about doing this on account of its gender specific. Hope there’s nobody from Budweiser here,” Love said at the time as his audience laughed.

“Or the FBI. Sorry, I apologize in advance for anything I might say or do because it’s a family tradition you know what I’m saying. OK, this song is dedicated to all the ladies here,” he continued as “Surfer Girl” began to play.

Full Story: Beach Boys’ Mike Love Takes Jab At Budweiser As He Mocks Possible Cancellation Over ‘Gender-Specific’ Songs Like ‘Surfer Girl’

Love Wasn’t Trying To Make A ‘Political Statement’ 

In his latest interview, Love claimed that he was not trying to make a “political statement” with these remarks.

“It’s not very much of a political statement,” he explained. “It was more like, ‘Let me be myself and say what I feel.’”

Love went on to say that fans of The Beach Boys have always appreciated that the band does not “get involved in politics onstage because we realize it’s a very touchy situation.”

“People have come up to me after concerts and said, ‘I’m glad we were able to come to this concert and just enjoy the music, and not hear about a bunch of politics,’” Love added.

In the end, while Love has no intention of submitting to “wokeness,” he wants the world to know that he was just trying to have some fun with his comments made over the summer.

“My sense of humor is not always appreciated by everyone,” he concluded. “That’s the way humor is.”

Related: Howard Stern Brags About Being Woke – ‘I Love It’

Love And The Beach Boys’ Ties To Republicans 

The Beach Boys may stay out of politics during their concerts, but they have long been one of the few bands that is not afraid to have ties to Republicans, as they played at inaugural balls for both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. In a September of 2016 interview, Love described Donald Trump as a personal friend, adding that the two don’t agree on everything politically.

“He’s been a friend for a long time,” Love told the New York Post at the time. “Does that mean I agree with everything he says? No. But . . . if we were asked [to play his inauguration], I’m sure that we would.”

Love even attended Trump’s inauguration and performed at one of his inaugural balls.

“I don’t have anything negative to say about the President Of The USA,” Love told Uncut afterwards. “We did attend the inauguration. That was a moving experience.”

“I understand there are so many factions and fractious things going on – the chips will fall where they may. But Donald Trump has never been anything but kind to us,” he continued. “We have known him for many a year. We’ve performed at some of his venues at fundraisers and so on.”

It’s rare today to see a celebrity that is brave enough to speak out against “wokeness,” so we applaud Love for having the guts to do just that. If only more stars would do the same!

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