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Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for President in 2024, is calling for immediate de-escalation and peace in Ukraine.

It is a position that has set him apart from President Joe Biden, as well as any other GOP hopefuls thus far.

Trump released a pair of videos Thursday that outline his position on the war between Ukraine and Russia.

“The conflict in Ukraine is very dangerous, explosive, and escalating by the day,” he said. “Biden’s weakness and incompetence have brought us to the brink of nuclear war.”

“It’s far past the time for all parties involved to pursue a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine before this horrific catastrophe spirals out of control and leads to World War III,” added Trump.

“We must end this ridiculous war and demand peace in Ukraine now before it gets worse.”

NEW VIDEO: President Trump Calls for Immediate De-escalation and Peace

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) February 1, 2023

RELATED: Trump Slams Biden’s Escalation, Sending Tanks to Ukraine: Warns Next ‘Come the Nukes’

Trump Wants Peace in Ukraine, Says Continued Military Aid Would Be Unnecessary if War Ended

Trump provided little in the way of specifics when he called for peace in his campaign-style video, though he alludes to his illustrious career in the White House of negotiating unprecedented deals in the Middle East.

“If I were president, the Russia-Ukraine War would never have happened,” he said. “Never in a million years. But even now, if I were president, I’d be able to negotiate an end to this horrible and rapidly escalating war in 24 hours.”

And the war is rapidly escalating, with NATO and Russia inching ever-closer to direct blows.

In an interview with talk show host Hugh Hewitt, Trump suggested a halt to military aid but tied it to peace negotiations.

“I don’t think they should be sending very much, they should be negotiating peace,” he said adding the war is “not going to stop” if the United States continues to “just load something up.”

In other words, bring peace to the region and there’d be no reason to continue picking the pockets of the American people and handing their hard-earned money into the greasy palms of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Trump bizarrely suggests halting military aid to Ukraine will end bloody conflict

— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) February 2, 2023

RELATED: Trump Slams Biden For ‘Incentivizing’ Putin To Start A Nuclear War With Regime Change Rhetoric

Would Have Never Happened Under Trump

Trump reiterated claims that Biden’s recent decision to send 31 Abrams M1 tanks to Ukraine was an unnecessary escalation toward nuclear war with Russia.

“Joe Biden is doing what he said 10 months ago would cause World War III, sending American tanks into Ukraine,” said Trump.

“Such a tragic waste of human life when you look at all that’s happening there. Those cities are obliterated. First, come the tanks. Then, come the nukes.”

The Russia-Ukraine War Would Have Never Happened Under President Trump

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) February 1, 2023

Biden announced the decision to send the tanks last week.

“The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews, just understand — and don’t kid yourself, no matter what you all say — that’s called ‘World War Three,’” he told reporters last March.

NATO is sending tanks to fight Russia.

In the past 24 hours, France, Germany, and the US said they would send armored vehicles to Ukraine.

In March, Biden said sending “tanks” to Ukraine is “called World War III.”

— Andre Damon (@Andre__Damon) January 5, 2023

Trump has set himself apart not just from his likely Democrat opponent in 2024, but also from his GOP rivals who have been thus far unwilling to call out Biden for accelerating the United States toward war.

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has not said much, though he has yet to announce an official candidacy and he is busy governing his state into a beautiful ‘right-wing fantasy land‘ that everybody keeps flocking to.

Nikki Haley has announced and has foreign policy experience, but has continually called on the United States to arm Ukraine.

Funny how the one man the media told us for four years was going to launch World War III is the only one proactively trying to prevent it.

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 The Political Insider 


Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for President in 2024, is calling for immediate de-escalation and peace in Ukraine. It is a position that has set him apart from President Joe Biden, as well as any other GOP hopefuls thus far. Trump released a pair of videos Thursday that outline his position on
The post Trump Makes Impassioned Plea Calling for Peace, End to War in Ukraine appeared first on The Political Insider.