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Info for you

The story of two men who hunted and killed a bald eagle in Nebraska last month just took an uncomfortable turn. The two men, both from Honduras, entered the country illegally according to Florida Rep. Kat Cammack.

The North American bald eagle is not only the beloved symbol of the strength and enduring freedom of America but also federally protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. A felony conviction for killing a bald eagle can carry up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Suspected illegal immigrants accused of shooting bald eagle – feds don’t seem to care

— Conservative News (@BIZPACReview) March 7, 2023

RELATED: Cammack Blasts Texas Democrat Who Claimed Operation Lone Star Is ‘Waste Of Money’

Two Men Kill Bald Eagle in Nebraska

On February 28, 2023, the County Sheriff’s office issued a press release detailing a grim discovery near the Wood Duck Recreation area outside Stanton, Nebraska.

When responding to a suspicious vehicle report, deputies stumbled upon Ramiro Hernandez-Tziquin and Domingo Zetino-Hernandez in possession of a dead North American Bald Eagle. 

While the investigation found the two men “shot and killed the protected national bird,” the pair were cited for unlawful possession of a bald eagle. That is a misdemeanor citation which carries a significantly less hefty penalty than the felony killing of a bald eagle.

According to the report, the young men planned to cook and eat our national bird. A rifle was recovered from deputies at the scene.

More serious charges could be levied at some point but an inquiry to the Department of the Interior seems to indicate the two men will get off with a wrist slap. Are you asking yourself why?

Exclusive: Photos Show Honduran Nationals (That’s ILLEGALS FOR THOSE LIVING IN RIO LINDA) Accused of Killing Bald Eagle

20-year-old Ramiro Hernandez-Tziquin and 20-year-old Domingo Zetino-Hernandez

— Daniel Thornton (@Panamadan61) March 6, 2023

Cammack Says Men Who Killed Eagle Entered US Illegally

GOP Rep. Kat Cammack told Breitbart in a Thursday interview that there’s more to the bald eagle story than being reported in the mainstream news.

Cammack says the two Honduran nationals charged with killing the bald eagle entered the US illegally. What’s more, the Florida rep points to either a lack of competence under Biden or a desire to sweep this incident under the rug.

She told Breitbart, “When we reached out to the Department of the Interior’s FWS, a voicemail notified our office that all personnel were still tele-working from home and would be unable to take a call from me, a Member of Congress. When we were finally able to get in touch with FWS, they seemed unaware of the situation despite this being national news for close to 24 hours.”

In Nebraska, 2 illegal aliens were arrested for hunting and killing a bald eagle and preparing to cook it. Since there is no state crime for killing the Endangered Species, the illegals were only charged with misdemeanor, possession of an eagle. The Feds are refusing involvement.

— Fixing America (@PhillipDenton) March 7, 2023

The two men charged, Hernandez-Tziquin and Zetino-Hernandez, are both 20 years old and speak only Spanish, according to Stanton County Sheriff Mike Unger.

Hernandez-Tziquin was also cited for not having a driver’s license. If the two young men are both illegal as Cammack claims, it begs the question how they could be found in possession of a firearm on national park land and not face more serious charges.

The Political Insider previously reported on concerns expressed by a local Texas Sheriff about an increase in armed young males crossing the border. Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe made the comment during an Operation Lone Star operation where a five-year-old girl was rescued from the trunk of a car.

“We’re experiencing a silent invasion of military age men,” Coe said of the situation his deputies have faced over the past two years.

FULL STORY: Texas Sheriff: We’re Experiencing ‘Silent Invasion’ Of Military Age Men

Harbinger of Biden’s Open Borders

Just as the bald eagle symbolizes America, Cammack called this tragedy symbolic of the far-reaching consequences of Biden’s open borders.

“This situation really is the epitome of symbolism of what is happening in our nation. Illegal immigrants are crossing our borders, and many aren’t scared of breaking our laws because the know this administration won’t enforce them.
In Biden’s America, open borders have led to the destruction of our communities through crime and drugs. Our national bird is now fine to just eat as a snack and sell for ornaments without repercussion.”

Much like our American way of life, the bald eagle population was declining before conservation efforts were put in place.

Thankfully, our national bird has made a comeback to the point it was removed from the Endangered Species list in 2007.

Bald Eagle Fact: They are no longer an endangered species! #baldeagle #eagle #nycwildlife

— Dennis Newsham (@wildnewyork) December 21, 2021

Let’s hope the strength and freedom of America that the eagle has long symbolized soon makes a comeback too.

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 The Political Insider 


The story of two men who hunted and killed a bald eagle in Nebraska last month just took an uncomfortable turn. The two men, both from Honduras, entered the country illegally according to Florida Rep. Kat Cammack. The North American bald eagle is not only the beloved symbol of the strength and enduring freedom of
The post Two Men Who Hunted, Killed Bald Eagle Were Here Illegally According to Rep. Kat Cammack appeared first on The Political Insider.