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Info for you

Cam Edwards, editor of Bearing Arms and host of the 40 Acres & a Fool podcast, sat down with our own Brett Smith to discuss the left’s ongoing war against the Second Amendment.

The conversation quickly dipped into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) latest “ruling” on so-called stabilizing braces. 

Edwards explained that the stabilizing brace, as its name suggests, “provides more stability for the shooter” and was originally designed as an aid to gun owners with a disability.

But an arbitrary ruling by the ATF that just went into effect on January 31st subjects pistol-stabilizing braces to additional regulations, including higher taxes, longer waiting periods, and registration.

“ATF’s new definition for stabilizing braces is arbitrary… Every American gun owner is in danger of potentially facing felony charges at the whim of these bureaucrats and without any new statute in place.” –Jason Ouimet, NRA-ILA

— NRA (@NRA) February 9, 2023

The argument by gun control advocates is that the brace transforms a pistol into a short-barreled rifle, something heavily regulated under the National Firearms Act.

“In order to possess one of those you have to register with the government, you have to pay a $200 tax stamp, and if you don’t it’s a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine,” Edwards explained.

RELATED: Bravo! MAGA Rep. Gaetz Moves to Abolish the ATF After Latest Attack On the Second Amendment

Cam Edwards Explains Current Affairs Surrounding the War on the Second Amendment

The ATF’s stabilizing brace ruling was so onerous that it prompted Florida Representative Matt Gaetz to introduce legislation banning the government agency.

If the government wants to restrict certain types of firearms, theoretically they have that power. Through Congress, by altering or outright abolishing the Second Amendment, not through bureaucratic rulings.

This absurdly bad idea would criminalize the possession of commonly owned arms while doing nothing to stop actual violent crime. It’s the gun control equivalent of telling officers to shoot for the leg; both dangerous and dumb.

— Cam Edwards (@CamEdwards) November 1, 2020

“I think it’s part and parcel of a strategy on the part of the ATF and their allies in the gun control movement to try to rewrite the law through a government agency rather than a vote by Congress,” Edwards said.

He then added it is seemingly an attempt by the movement “to see [what] the courts will let them get away with.”

You can watch the entire interview with the ever-insightful and incredibly knowledgeable Cam Edwards below.

RELATED: Gun Ownership For Black Americans Skyrocketing As Democrats Push For Gun Control

Assault Weapons Are Just Any Gun They Want to Ban

Bearing Arms editor Cam Edwards also tackled the far-reaching ban on so-called assault weapons in Illinois, signed into law last month by Democrat Governor J.B. Pritzker.

The law almost immediately prompted the filing of lawsuits, including one by the National Rifle Association, and the Illinois State Rifle Association, which argue the ban is a violation of the Second Amendment.

Smith and Edwards point out that phrases such as ‘assault weapon’ and ‘large capacity magazines’ are essentially “made-up terms.”

“I’ve always said that the real definition of assault weapon is ‘gun they want to ban,’” quipped Edwards.

“That is, I think, their ultimate goal,” Edwards continued. “To ban as many guns as possible by labeling them assault weapons.”

Good. #SelfDefenseIsAHumanRight

— Cam Edwards (@CamEdwards) April 5, 2021

The podcast host noted it is “laughable” to think criminals care at all about these laws.

“These laws are meant to dissuade law-abiding gun owners from exercising a constitutional right,” Edwards added, pointing to the lawsuits currently ongoing in Illinois.

Edwards and Smith also discuss the involuntary manslaughter charges against Alec Baldwin. Take a look at “The Ongoing War Against the Second Amendment” interview with Cam Edwards below.

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The post WATCH: Bearing Arms Editor Cam Edwards Talks About War on the Second Amendment, How Anti-Gun Advocates Are Trying to Rewrite Laws appeared first on The Political Insider.

 The Political Insider 


Cam Edwards, editor of Bearing Arms and host of the 40 Acres & a Fool podcast, sat down with our own Brett Smith to discuss the left’s ongoing war against the Second Amendment. The conversation quickly dipped into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) latest “ruling” on so-called stabilizing braces.  Edwards explained
The post WATCH: Bearing Arms Editor Cam Edwards Talks About War on the Second Amendment, How Anti-Gun Advocates Are Trying to Rewrite Laws appeared first on The Political Insider.