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Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) took Attorney General Merrick Garland to task over the “wonderfully coincidental” misdemeanor charges brought against Capitol riot instigator Ray Epps.

Epps, the former leader of the “Oath Keepers” chapter in Arizona, was indicted nearly three years after January 6th.

Epps was seen in multiple videos encouraging the crowd to go into the Capitol, helping to incite pro-Trump protesters to riot and breach the building.

“Tomorrow, we need to get into the Capitol! Into the Capitol!” he is seen telling rallygoers in one video from the scene, while some around him respond, “No,” and begin chanting, “Fed! Fed! Fed!”

New footage circulating on social media shows Epps taking part in a crowd surge toward a police line.

On Wednesday he pleaded guilty to one count of disorderly conduct on restricted grounds, a misdemeanor which has resulted in an average jail sentence for those convicted of just 55 days.

RELATED: FBI Had So Many Informants In The Crowd On January 6th That They Lost Count

Massie Blasts Garland Over Show Charges For Ray Epps

Massie blasted the “wonderful coincidence” that Ray Epps was charged with a misdemeanor while “grandmas” who played an ancillary role in the Capitol riot are being sent to prison.

“Yesterday you indicted him. Isn’t that a wonderful coincidence?” Massie said in an acerbic tone. “On a misdemeanor.”

“Meanwhile, you are sending grandmas to prison, you’re putting away people for 20 years for merely filming,” he continued.

“Some people weren’t there but you have the guy on video and he says go into the Capitol,” Massie continued, referencing political prisoners sentenced despite not being physically on the scene.

“[Epps is] directing people to the Capitol before the speeches. He’s at the site of the first breach. You have all of the goods on him, ten videos, and it’s an indictment for a misdemeanor,” the congressman concluded. “The American public is not buying it.”

RELATED: The Five Biggest Lies Exposed by Tucker Carlson’s Bombshell January 6th Surveillance Video Release

Claims Garland Perjured Himself

The discussion of Epps was part of a bigger angle in which Massie questioned Attorney General Garland about the presence of FBI informants in the crowd on January 6th.

The Political Insider reported Wednesday on a former assistant director at the FBI testifying that the bureau lost track of the number of paid informants that they had infiltrating the crowd of protesters.

Steven Sund, the chief of the Capitol Police at the time of the January 6th riot, has suggested the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd along with an estimated 20 from the Department of Homeland Security.

Critics have long suspected that there were informants in the crowd during the Capitol riot, and that Epps may have been one himself. The FBI has denied using Epps as an informant, though his lenient charges have only amplified those suspicions.

Massie dug in on Garland regarding the informants, with the Attorney General feigning ignorance on federal involvement despite the testimony mentioned above from an assistant director at the FBI.

The Republican lawmaker referenced the Attorney General’s prior testimony regarding Epps in October of 2021, in which he said he would “not comment on pending investigations.”

With Epps now charged, Massie offered him a chance to comment about the case and the potential for informants having been used.

“That was your answer to a question to me two years ago, when I said how many agents or assets of the government were present on January 5 and January 6, and agitating in the crowd to go into the Capitol and how many went into the Capitol,” recalled Massie. “Can you answer that now?”

“I don’t know the answer to that question,” Garland insisted.

“You don’t know how many there were, or there were none?” Massie continued.

“I don’t know the answer to either of those questions,” Garland said. “If there were any, I don’t know how many. I don’t know whether there are any.”

“I think you may have just perjured yourself — that you don’t know that there were any? You want to say that again?” Massie responded. “You don’t know that there were any?”

That specific allegation by Massie is contingent on Epps actually being an informant. But Garland’s claim that he has no idea if there were any informants involved on January 6th is a bald-faced lie.

You’d have to ignore the aforementioned testimony from the assistant director. You’d have to ignore the comments made by the former chief of the Capitol police.

You’d have to ignore court documents examined by the New York Times showing the FBI had as many as eight informants embedded with the “Proud Boys” group in the months leading up to the Capitol riot. Along with another report that the FBI had a well-placed informant within the Oath Keepers.

Garland either perjured himself, or he is one of the most blatantly ignorant officials in the Biden administration. Which is it?

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The post (WATCH) Massie Torches AG Merrick Garland Over Ray Epps Misdemeanor While ‘Grandmas’ Go To Prison, Accuses Him of Perjury appeared first on The Political Insider.