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Info for you

An Arizona school board member who identifies as a ‘neurodivergent queer black latina’ argued against hiring teachers from a Christian university, stating that she had “concerns” about their morals and values.

Oh, and she did so while sporting cat ears.

The Washington Elementary School District voted to dissolve a multi-year contract with Arizona Christian university, which allowed for the hiring of student teachers from their program.

During a meeting arguing the move, school board member Tamillia Valenzuela attacked the university over its Christian beliefs.

“While I full-heartedly believe in the religious freedom and people being able to practice whatever faith that they have, I had some concerns regarding looking at this particular institution,” she said.

“And I think it’s a really good time for us to take a moment and really pause about where our values lie.”

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Arizona School Board Member Wearing Cat Ears Rips Christian University Over Beliefs

Within moments of claiming to “full-heartedly believe in … religious freedom” Tamillia Valenzuela proved she does not, in fact, full-heartedly believe in religious freedom.

The Arizona school board member continued to denigrate the Christian university and their values, stating she finds them to be concerning.

“My concerns, [is] when I go to Arizona Christian University’s website, [they are] ‘committed to Jesus Christ, accomplishing his will and advancements on earth as in Heaven.’”

As a parent, are you more concerned about a teacher guided by the values of Jesus Christ or a nut case wearing cat ears serving on the school board?

I’d argue the latter is far more concerning.

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Her Profile is a Word Salad of Idiocy

Valenzuela was just getting started. And wait until you see just what concerns her about teachers coming out of this Christian university.

“Part of their values is… [to] ‘transform the culture with truth by promoting the Biblically-informed values that are foundational to Western civilization, including the centrality of family, traditional sexual morality, and lifelong marriage between one man and one woman,’” she said during the meeting.

“I want to know how bringing [teachers] from an institution that is ingrained in their values so directly brings impact to three of your board members who are a part of the LGBT community.”

You see – the Alphabet/Pronoun mafia is their religion now. Those are the values they want to be handed down to your children. Not Christian values like *gasp* the importance of family and sexual morality.

Valenzuela’s short biography on the school district website tells you everything you need to know about this hot mess.

“She is a bilingual, disabled, neurodivergent Queer Black Latina,” it reads.

“She loves a good hot wing (but only with the right ranch) and things that sparkle.”

The love of hot wings is readily apparent. Things that sparkle? Maybe like a laser pointer? Because, you know… cat.

State Senator Anthony Kern called for Valenzuela’s resignation over the reprehensible comments attacking Christian values.

“While we’re facing a shortage of teachers, Valenzuela is impugning the motives of teachers with certain religious beliefs,” Kern said. “This is not what our country was founded on.”

“This is absolute discrimination, and somebody like this should not be making decisions for Arizona and Arizona families.”

Somebody like Miss cat ears shouldn’t be making decisions on what to eat for breakfast, let alone educational decisions for other children.

How are people like this continually allowed to infiltrate schools in America? When are people going to wake up and stop voting for individuals with mental deficiencies, assuring they are not allowed on school boards or in classrooms?

These lunatics have been allowed into schools for decades. It needs to stop.

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