Info for you

Info for you

The presumption of innocence is a fundamental tenet of the justice system in the United States. At least, it was.

The phrase “innocent until proven guilty” is something every American has heard uttered throughout their lifetime. It is a legal principle that puts the burden of proof on the prosecution to prove that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

As with many fundamental norms in the justice system, Democrats eschew such basic rights when it comes to their political opponents.

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), in responding to the indictment against Donald Trump, ripped that mask off and suggested the former President must now “prove innocence.”

“The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law,” Pelosi said in a statement.

“No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.”

Read that again – Trump now has a “right to a trial to prove innocence.” That’s not how that works, you ignorant buffoon.

RELATED: President Donald Trump Indicted by Manhattan Grand Jury

Pelosi Statement on Trump Indictment Leads to Ridicule

Sometimes it’s difficult to even know where to begin when a dyed-in-the-wool liberal lunatic makes such a ridiculous comment.

Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about that, since Pelosi was roundly condemned on social media for her remarks about the Trump indictment.

Attorney Eric Matheny kicked things off by stating the very, very obvious.

“Defendants in America don’t prove their innocence,” he wrote.

Author Alex Berenson was torn between being impressed that an elderly woman is seemingly writing her own tweets and full-blown panic that the same woman, a lawmaker, “has no idea how the law works.”

“The last time Americans had to ‘prove their innocence,’ we were governed by the British,” tweeted comedian Tim Young.

The political pundit known as the ‘Redheaded Libertarian’ spat fire at Pelosi in a smoking hot tweet.

“This is the most anti-American vomit that has ever exited your commie mouth,” she said.

I mean … maybe? Pelosi has a long and storied history with vomiting anti-American, pro-commie gibberish so, there’s that.

Pelosi’s Tweet Gets a Fact Check

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s tweet about Trump needing to “prove innocence” in regard to the indictment was slapped with a Community Notes disclaimer by Twitter.

“Ms. Pelosi mistakenly says that Trump can prove his innocence at trial,” the added context reads. “Law in the US assumes the innocence of a defendant and the prosecution must prove guilt for a conviction.”

Twitter commentators know that basic fact. One of the most powerful Democrat lawmakers in the land? Not so much.

But where did anyone get the idea that Pelosi was “mistaken”? 

This isn’t the first time prominent Democrats have struggled with the basic concept of the presumption of innocence.

Senator Cory Booker (D-Sparta), during the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, suggested he be replaced “whether he’s innocent or guilty” of fabricated sexual assault allegations.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-Golden Corral) at around the same time said Kavanaugh is “not entitled to those (due process and the presumption of innocence).”

Representative Eric Swalwell (D-Fang Fang) claimed that when the former President’s White House opted not to play the impeachment game by refusing to send documents and witnesses to mount a defense against the televised circus, this was an admission of guilt.

“We can only conclude that you’re guilty,” Swalwell stated.

“In America, innocent men do not hide and conceal evidence,” he added. “They are forthcoming and they want to cooperate and the president is acting like a very guilty person right now.”

The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution enshrines the concept that someone is “innocent until proven guilty.”

The clause regarding self-incrimination was designed to prevent the accused from being forced to testify against themselves, leaving the burden of proving that a person has committed a crime to the government.

And Democrats across the board want to reverse that.

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