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Info for you

By Dr. Derek Ellerman

I had held out hope that my country could stave off imperial decline until after my lifetime, or at least until I was an old man, too old to care. 

Unfortunately, things aren’t turning out that way. We have found ourselves, tragically, living in interesting times. 

So interesting, in fact, that history’s greatest hope is now getting lectures from some of the (formerly) most corrupt nations on the planet. 

So congratulations, my fellow Americans; you have lived to see your country fall so far that even Mexico can’t bear to watch.

That’s the message Mexico’s president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) sent when he chastised the Democrats’ attack on our democracy with the political persecution of President Trump.

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AMLO Rips Democrats

Yes indeed, a country that is literally run by drug cartels must avert their eyes because the nakedly political legal harrassment of Trump is just too much to take. 

In response to New York’s arrest of the former President for a supposed crime that was passed over by the Federal Elections Commission, AMLO said something that should have all Americans looking deep within their souls about who we are and what we will allow our politicians to do. 

“Supposedly legal issues should not be used for electoral, political purposes. That’s why I don’t agree with what they are doing to ex-President Trump. It should be the people who decide.”

And of course, he’s right. But should means very little. 

The war pigs who run the show don’t care about should. It is simply too dangerous to allow the democratic process with a madman like Trump roaming free. 

After all, he could end up putting this country first, instead of the kleptocracy in Ukraine. 

He could try removing our troops from the illegal war in Syria again – and we just can’t have that

And so, the clown show continues. 

Stunningly, Mexico’s president isn’t the only leader from the “global south” who is shocked and appalled at how corrupt this country has become. 

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El Salvador, Hungary Weigh In

As The Political Insider’s Rusty Weiss chronicled just a few hours ago, El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele couldn’t help himself either. 

Remember, El Salvador is one of the most dangerous and corrupt nations on the planet. 

Bukele gets right to the main vein of the thing: “The United States ability to use ‘democracy’ as foreign policy is gone.”

And how long has our government gone galavanting around the globe bombing tiny countries into smithereens because of their alleged lack of democracy? How many people have been killed for that excuse? 

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban also joined the fray, saying, “Keep on fighting, Mr. President! We are with you.”

Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice for us powerless Americans to “be seen” by foreign leaders. Eventually, that’s going to matter more than you think. 

Don’t be surprised when some day in the future, Chinese bombs are falling on whatever is left of American cities, while their leader – with a twinkle in his eye – says “Well, we just can’t allow authoritarian, undemocratic rogue states to do whatever they want!”

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The post Even Mexico’s President Thinks Democrat Persecution of Trump is Corrupt appeared first on The Political Insider.