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Info for you

Confidence in the American military has hit its lowest point in well over 20 years, as “woke” military generals and policies continue to weaken our nation.

The news comes via a Gallup poll conducted in June showing the number of Americans willing to express “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the U.S. military has dropped to 60%.

The last time confidence in the military was that low was in 1997. The number also represents a 12-point drop since 2020.

Gallup indicates there is a natural ebb and flow for polling regarding confidence in the military based on current events. However, declines in the latest survey “were across all party identification groups.”

Republicans remain the “most likely to express confidence” in the military and the overall rating remains high, trailing only small businesses in levels of confidence.

The poll shows confidence in Congress hovering at a measly 8%, just above their all-time low of 7%.

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Confidence In The Military Dropping

There are several reasons confidence in the military may be plunging, of course.

A presidential family beholden to China while war game simulations consistently show America losing a war to the Communist nation doesn’t elicit confidence.

President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 – a withdrawal that led to a suicide bombing killing 13 service members and countless Americans being left behind in the Taliban-controlled country – also fails to instill trust.

But it also comes with a recent push during the Biden era that focuses on diversity rather than qualifications, and the military is one institution that absolutely needs to rely on preparedness and effectiveness to protect the interests of the nation and nothing more.

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A Woke Military Mind Virus

Is it any wonder confidence in the military is plummeting with the backdrop of these “woke” policies and procedures?

While Republicans remain the most confident among political groups, they also have had the steepest decline, according to the Gallup poll. Their confidence in the military “declined by over 20 percentage points in three years, from 91% to 68%.”

And there are several examples of why that might be.

When you’ve got top-ranking administration officials foaming at the mouth over funding abortions or dignity for transgender individuals, as National Security Council (NSC) spokesman John Kirby recently did, it would seem the military itself isn’t worried about being ready for threats against the United States.

A viral video from 2022 recently resurfaced showing former CAP-USAF Commander Col. Mark “Woot” Wootan urging officials not to hire middle-aged, white male pilots.

Rather than say, dealing with things related to personnel readiness and morale, Sergeant Major Michael Grinston spent his time on Twitter in June, which was around the same time the Gallup poll was conducted, complaining about harassment from users who were critical of the Army promoting “pride month.”

The Pentagon, just days before Independence Day, published a tweet celebrating the courage of a transgender Army officer.

Yeah, just like our Founding Fathers.

Political analyst Tucker Carlson has criticized the new “woke” military generals and policies weakening our nation.

He suggests they are “more committed to meeting some counterproductive diversity goal — hiring more pregnant Air Force pilots, assembling the world’s first transgender SEAL team — than on defending the United States.”

He’s right, and it’s enough to make anybody lose confidence.

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