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The Oscar-nominated actor James Woods, who has long been one of the only openly conservative stars in Hollywood, spoke out this week to blast President Joe Biden for his incoherent press conference that he gave alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Israel on Wednesday.

Woods Fires Back At Biden

Biden embarrassed America by mumbling incoherently during the press conference, adding more credence to the claims that he may be suffering from dementia. Woods took to X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, to call out Biden for this.

“His cognitive abilities are crippled beyond dispute, and to belittle that is unfair,” Woods wrote of Biden. “However, BEFORE his dementia was palpable, he was a horrible human being and a crooked worthless political hack.”

“That ugly person is still under there somewhere, and he’s at the helm of the most powerful nation on earth,” he added. “We are minutes from the end on the Doomsday Clock with this soulless fool in charge. He has GOT to go. Literally the fate of mankind is at stake.”

Not stopping there, Woods proceeded to double down in another post.

“How embarrassing that this flickering dim bulb sits with a real world leader and reads 5×7 note cards written by some genders studies major interning at the White House?” he continued. “Couldn’t he have done this on a zoom call from his basement?”

Woods then took Biden to task for using the vague euphemism “other team” when referring to the terrorists that are currently attacking Israel.

“Did he actually call the terrorists responsible for beheaded children, slaughtered families, and raped Israeli women ‘the other team?’ The “OTHER TEAM????’” a livid Woods wrote. “This ignorant bumbling nincompoop has got to go, before the world becomes a nuclear wasteland.”

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Biden’s Press Conference Fail

Daily Mail reported that this came after Biden appeared to bizarrely lose his train of thought during his press conference with Netanyahu.

“You know, years ago I asked the secretary of State when he and I were working in the Senate to write something for me and he wrote a line that I think is appropriate,” Biden began. “He said, ‘It’s not we lead, not just …’ uhhh, well I won’t go into it. I’ll wait ’til later. Taking too much time.”

Biden is set to turn 81 next month, and should he be re-elected, he’ll be 82 by the time he’s sworn in. A damning poll released back in August found that 77 percent of Americans believe Biden won’t be effective for four more years, including 69 percent of Democrats.

A NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ poll released last month found that 52.21 percent of voters were “very concerned” about Biden’s cognitive abilities, with just 38.22 percent saying the same for the former President Donald Trump.

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‘Americans Are No Longer Safe’ Under Biden

Despite this, Woods is one of the only stars in Hollywood who has the guts to publicly speak out against Biden. Yesterday, Woods took to X to respond to Biden’s State Department telling Americans overseas to be on the lookout for “potential terrorist attacks.”

“Under Joe Biden’s rule Americans are no longer safe anywhere in the world,” Woods wrote. “And, of course, they are already unsafe in any major city at home. Elections have consequences.”

Elections do indeed have consequences. We applaud Woods for continuing to try and make sure that Biden does not win in 2024.

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