This week, a mother was brutally beaten and carjacked in front of her home during the day with her children present – at least, according to her account. As a mother, I imagine the sheer fear that coursed through this woman’s body as she took the beating of her life, praying that someone would intervene, that her children wouldn’t be harmed, and that she would live through this awful event.
Thankfully, this mother lived to tell her story, where most people share their lives – on social media. This story, unfortunately, is far too typical in major cities across this country, but what makes this one particularly newsworthy is who this victim is.
The mother in question is Vice Chair of Minnesota’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party and former defund the police advocate Shivanthi Sathanandan. Ms. Sathanandan is well known for her social media activity, and her post this week that described this terrifying event received quite an interesting reaction from those in Minneapolis with a long memory.
.@Shivanthi Sathanandan, the vice chair for the Democrat Party @MinnesotaDFL in Minnesota, virulently advocated for the dismantling of the Minneapolis Police Department even as neighborhoods in the city were burned to the ground by #BLM–#Antifa rioters.
Now, she has come…
— Andy Ngô
(@MrAndyNgo) September 7, 2023
Look at my face!
This week, Vice Chair of Minnesota’s DFL Party, Shivanthi Sathanandan, says she was carjacked and brutally beaten outside her house. After fighting off her attackers and receiving aid, she took to her Facebook page to describe what happened to her, share an image of her bloodied face, and demand stricter crime policies.
Ms. Sathanandan wrote:
“This is the face of a mother who just had the sh– beaten out of her. A mother whose only thought was, ‘let me run far enough and fight hard enough so that my kids have a chance to get away.’”
Meet left-wing Minneapolis activist Shivanthi Sathanandan.
In 2020, Sathanandan called to "dismantle" the Minneapolis Police Department.
Fast forward to 2023: Sathanandan just had her car stolen in broad daylight & broke her leg in front of her kids.
Now she has the audacity…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 7, 2023
Luckily, her children were not physically harmed; it’s a shame there wasn’t a more substantial police presence in the area to deter such a horrific act.
She continues:
“These men knew what they were doing. I have NO DOUBT they have done this before. Yet they are still on OUR STREETS.”
Ms. Sathanandan is probably correct in her assumption that these men were repeat offenders; unfortunately, there isn’t much to deter criminals from continuing their destructive behavior. Dare I say, some have managed to incentivize criminal behavior.
She strongly proclaimed:
“These criminals will not win. We need to take back our city.”
Well-written words, enough to make you feel inspired. I hate to break it to you, Ms. Sathanandan; people like you gave your city to the criminals.
Facebook memories
I have Facebook mainly so that family members can see pictures of my kids and so that I can keep in touch with my old military buds. One of the best features of the social media site is its ability to remind you about past posts you’ve made known simply as ‘Memories.’
If only Ms. Sathanandan paid closer attention to her Facebook Memories, maybe she wouldn’t be getting dragged so hard on the platform.
Two weeks after the death of George Floyd, Ms. Sathanandan posted:
“We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department.”
Yikes, I feel that phrase was not going through her mind as the thugs beat her mercilessly in the street.
She wrote around this same period of her disdain for police:
“It’s time to build a new infrastructure that works for ALL communities.”
Do you mean to tell me there weren’t social workers ready to stop the animals from bloodying your face in front of your babies? It’s been three years since Mr. Floyd was killed, and that new infrastructure is still not running yet?
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In 2020, Ms. Sathanandan reposted a Star Tribune article titled ‘Minneapolis Public Schools terminates contract with Police Department over George Floyd’s death’ where she wrote:
“Thank you, Minneapolis School Board Members, for getting this done! Exactly as it should be – MPD should have no place in our children’s schools.”
I will go out on a limb and guess that her attackers were young men, maybe even teenagers. It’s a shame there wasn’t a police presence in their schools to try to redirect them toward a better life path that didn’t result in broken bones and a jacked car.
"WE ARE GOING TO DISMANTLE the #Minneapolis #Police Department: DISMANTLE!” crowed #Democrat leader #ShivanthiSathanandan in 2020.
But after a brutal attack this week by #carthieves, she effusively praised the police, “who came to our aide during this terrifying experience.”— Scott Kellner
(@RSKellner) September 8, 2023
We all remember
I’ll give Ms. Sathanandan credit; she did thank the police officers who came to her aid in her time of need. But one key element was missing from her dramatic, overly capitalized Facebook post – an apology to those police officers.
An apology for demanding their dismantling, for degrading their profession, and for all the mothers out there who have suffered in her city due to her party’s terrible pro-criminal policies.
In her dramatic post, she wrote:
“You could have been reading the obituary for me and my children today. But instead I’m here. To write this.”
Lucky you. Since 2020, there have been 258 homicides in your city.
That’s 258 obituaries, 258 souls who aren’t able to opine on Facebook about their terrifying experience.
Ms. Sathanandan is great at demanding things, such as this demand this week:
“REMEMBER ME when you are thinking about supporting letting juveniles and young people out of custody to roam our streets instead of HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS.”
Shivanthi Sathanandan is the perfect example of the deranged leftist hypocrite that is dragging the West to Hell. I wonder what her attackers looked like.
— Way of the World (@wayotworld) September 7, 2023
So very privileged
Before the blood, bruises, broken bones, and psychological trauma that she just endured, Ms. Sathanandan had scolded her party for backing down from language associated with defunding the police.
She once wrote:
“Democratic Activist and Party Leader Friends, please reconsider arguing that the words being used to describe the change that needs to happen in Minneapolis are going to cause us to “lose elections.” I don’t care what color ally you are – your privilege is showing.”
You want to talk about privilege, the fact that someone can spit in the face of law enforcement, then blast the need for stricter criminal enforcement policies after being one of the lucky to survive a criminal attack. She wrote this week that in addition to the broken bones, she has “rage.”
Join the club lady with all the other victims of senseless and preventable crime.
Her party Chairman, Ken Martin, wrote:
“It is my sincere hope that the people who assaulted Shivanthi are quickly brought to justice and face punishment commensurate with the severity of their crimes.”
That’s my hope, too, and if people like you and Shivanthi can stay out of the way, maybe that might happen for her and all the other deserving out there.
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The post Democrat Who Championed Defunding the Police Gets Beaten and Carjacked, Demands Crime Reform appeared first on The Political Insider.