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Dr. Anthony Fauci, who once claimed to represent Science, the man who convinced Americans that they needed to wear masks, get the vaccine, then booster-up multiple times to avoid getting COVID, has reportedly tested positive once again.

The news comes via a staff email from New York Times assistant managing editor Elisabeth Bumiller.

Fauci, 82, had been scheduled for an on-the-record lunch with the Washington bureau of the Times.

“In what I am sorry to say is an ironic development, Dr. Fauci has just told us he tested positive for COVID this morning,” Bumiller wrote, according to an X post by Vanity Fair reporter Charlotte Klein.

RELATED: Rand Paul Hits Fauci With Criminal Referral For Allegedly Lying Under Oath

Fauci Tests Positive For COVID Yet Again

Ironic is one term for hearing Fauci tested positive for COVID. Poetic justice would be another.

The lives this man destroyed as the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases with misinformation is incalculable.

Jobs were lost due to vaccine mandates fueled by his public announcements. Families were destroyed when those not vaccinated were treated as pariahs. People died alone. Their families grieved alone.

Lockdowns were justified through the misinformation he promoted, leading to businesses shuttering, employees terminated.

Here’s one example of the lies that seem particularly relevant for this moment: Fauci told the public that vaccinated people become “dead ends” for COVID-19, a claim ultimately proven to be a flat-out lie.

Fauci is vaccinated and boosted multiple times. And yet, those shots did not “dead end” the virus.

Nor did they serve as a “dead end” when he tested positive in June of 2022. Or when he managed to get the ever-mysterious “COVID rebound” just a couple of weeks later.

Mr. Science, Mr. Vaccine, Mr. Dead End, tested positive for COVID three separate times. How is that possible?

RELATED: Megyn Kelly Says She Tested Positive For ‘Autoimmune Issue’ – Blames COVID Vaccine And ‘Damn Booster’

Rand Paul: Fauci Should Be Jailed

This past summer, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) made a criminal referral to the Justice Department seeking an investigation and possible criminal charges against Dr. Fauci for allegedly lying under oath to Congress.

“Before Congress, Dr. Fauci denied funding gain-of-function research, to the press he claims to have a dispassionate view on the lab leak hypothesis, and in private he acknowledges gain-of-function research at WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) to his colleagues,” Paul wrote in a letter to District of Columbia U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves.

Paul reiterated his contention that Fauci should be criminally charged in an interview with the Daily Mail this week, but indicated that Attorney General Merrick Garland is making it difficult.

“I think he’s really probably one of the most partisan attorney generals we’ve had and I don’t expect he will prosecute Anthony Fauci, but I think it’s important when someone does commit a crime that you summarize the crime, show the proof and evidence of it and forward it for prosecution,” he said.

Fauci was recently announced as a winner of the 2024 Inamori Ethics Prize for allegedly having “saved millions of lives through dedication to research and public health.”

Hopefully he won’t test positive on the day of the awards ceremony.

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