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Info for you

Governor Gavin Newsom is doing what most people living in California do – leaving his home to spend some time in red states. This week he visited a college in Florida as part of his fight against “authoritarian leaders.”

Newsom met with students of New College of Florida, a small liberal arts school that his counterpart, Governor Ron DeSantis, has been using as a staging ground for his war on “woke” higher education.

In January, DeSantis changed the makeup of the college’s board of directors by placing six conservative allies on the 13-member panel, as the school has been accused of indoctrinating students with leftist ideology.

“He has one thing that is common with everything he’s doing — bullying and intimidating vulnerable communities,” Newsom told about two dozen students and faculty at a public library near the campus.

“You’re not only on the right side of history, you have something he’ll never have − moral authority.”

RELATED: DeSantis Says Gavin Newsom’s ‘Hair Gel’ is Affecting Brain Function After CA Governor Demands ‘Kidnapping’ Charges

Gavin Newsom Visits Florida

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s visit to the Florida college comes less than two years after he banned state-funded travel to the state due to alleged “discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.”

Does that mean he views them as insufficiently discriminatory to warrant such a continued ban today? Or is it simply that the Brylcreem spokesman wannabe is a raging hypocrite?

We’ll guess the latter.

Christina Pushaw, DeSantis’ Rapid Response Director, fired back in epic fashion.

“Go home,” she wrote. “You aren’t getting those Uhauls back.”

Why is that as funny as it is?

Because a fairly recent report indicates that so many people are trying to get the hell out of California that they’re running out of U-haul trucks. Not kidding.

The top destination for U-Haul’s trucks, according to the company, was Texas followed quickly by Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Arizona.

Texas and Florida have gained the most in Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) due to population migration while New York and California are hemorrhaging money.

RELATED: Massive Population Exodus Causing Financial Distress For Blue States

Is Newsom’s Red State Tour a Trial Run For 2024?

Townhall columnist Rebecca Downs is wondering why Gavin Newsom can’t seem to quit “his weird obsession with Florida.”

The Hill, though, covered the story and subtly pointed out that Newsom “is seen as a potential future Democratic White House hopeful.”

He claims he’s not going to run for President in 2024, regardless of whether or not Biden runs for re-election. But his word is about as valuable as a napkin from the French Laundry.

If he’s not running, why would Newsom be leaving behind a state in squalor and disrepair and instead touring red states under the mantra of the single issue Democrats on the national stage run on?

As The Hill writes, Newsom’s tour is about “travel to Republican states where he says democracy is under assault.”

Sounds like a 2024 campaign platform to me.

“The problem in our country right now: Authoritarian leaders who are so hellbent on gaining power and keeping it by whatever means necessary,” the man who locked down his state during an overblown pandemic while partying it up every chance he could, said.

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The post ‘Go Home’: DeSantis Aide Rips Gavin Newsom After CA Gov Visits Florida College to Fight ‘Authoritarian’ Leaders appeared first on The Political Insider.