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Republican Representative Troy Nehls humiliated his Democrat colleague Eric Swalwell during a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, bringing up his alleged affair with a Chinese spy.

The hearing saw testimony from Special Counsel John Durham, whose report on the Russia collusion investigation found that the FBI did not have enough “factual evidence” to investigate.

Swalwell was a loud proponent of the collusion hoax.

Nehls (TX) brought up allegations made in the Steele dossier which was a crux for many of the false allegations against Trump. In fact, he brought up one of the more salacious allegations, the so-called (fictional) “pee tape.”

The congressman linked those wild allegations to Swalwell’s alleged affair.

“In the game of politics, it gets dirty and nasty, and the people will say anything to beat their opponent, but this is the government doing it,” Nehls said. “Even the director of the FBI Comey said it’s possible Trump was with hookers peeing on each other.”

He pivoted to Swalwell and got dirty and nasty.

“We are aware of the member of this committee having an alleged affair with a Chinese spy, I refer to as Yum Yum, but this is a new low for anyone,” Nehls expressed.

“And I would hope Mr. Swalwell would agree with me. Imagine if somebody would have said and taken this a step further, Mr. Swalwell was just peeing on Yum Yum.”

RELATED: Marjorie Taylor Greene Humiliated Eric Swalwell So Badly Democrats Had to Request Her Comments Be Stricken From the Record

Eric Swalwell’s Chinese Spy Problem

Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) had a well-documented relationship with a Chinese spy. The spy managed to get an intern placed in Swalwell’s Washington office. Some have speculated that the relationship was sexual, something the congressman has not specifically denied but also which hasn’t been proven.

A bombshell report in 2020 indicated that a woman by the name of Christine Fang (aka Fang Fang) “took part in fundraising activity for Rep. Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign” and interacted with the Congressman “at multiple events over the course of several years.”

Fang had allegedly served as a Chinese Intelligence operative with China’s Ministry of State Security.

Swalwell was kicked off the Intel Committee by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy due to the alleged relationship with the spy, noting “integrity matters.”

He has denied any wrongdoing in his relationship with Fang but has failed to address the alleged sexual aspect.

It’s not the first time Nehls has brought up the controversy. In a hearing of The Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement in April, he once again mentioned “Yum Yum.”

The comments enraged Swalwell to the point where he shouted, “You do not get to say that s***!”

RELATED: Martha MacCallum Rips Eric Swalwell For Continually Claiming Steele Dossier Is Factual

Last Time Around it Was Marjorie Taylor Greene Who Crushed Swalwell

Some of the more outspoken Republicans in Congress like to tease Eric Swalwell about his alleged affair with a Chinese spy, often mentioning it during hearings and getting it into the official record.

In April, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene angered Democrats so badly that Swalwell’s colleagues immediately stepped in to request her comments about the spy be stricken from the record.

“That was quite entertaining,” Greene said following questioning from her Democrat colleague, “from someone that had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy, and everyone knows it.”

The House Ethics Committee last month concluded a two-year investigation of the Swalwell incident and said they would take no further action.

Swalwell celebrated the decision, saying the committee “did not make a finding of any wrongdoing” and denouncing “false smears.”

The Democrat, despite knowledge to the contrary, repeatedly promoted his own false smears by insisting that nothing in the Steele dossier had been disproven.

That video right there shows Swalwell should be censured right alongside his colleague Adam Schiff.

How can either one of them keep their seats in the House of Representatives when we witnessed them leak classified information and lie to subvert a duly elected President?

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The post GOP Rep Humiliates Democrat Eric Swalwell Over Alleged Affair With a Chinese Spy: ‘Peeing on Yum Yum’ appeared first on The Political Insider.